Bob Barney: Liberal Insanity (Transcript)

By Bob Barney

The Plain Truth is so Happy That You Have Been Enjoying Bob’s Broadcasts.

2000 years ago, a newscaster that we know of as Jesus Christ warned us about false Christianity. The warning was not against the devil but against false Christianity…about people who come in His name and deceive many. 

Click Here to Listen to Bob Barney’s 7:11 Broadcast: LIBERAL INSANITY

It is becoming increasingly clear that many of America’s current leaders are, to put it plainly, stark raving mad!

Hi, this is Bob Barney with the Friday edition of The Plain Truth Today coming to you at 7:11 in the morning…I am happy to be able to make this recording because I lost my recording device through a big hole that my beautiful wife was able to get out for me…

…but going back to this idea…we have a story on the main page of The Plain Truth, our editor has put it back on the top right under this broadcast today and it says, NEW RESEARCH, PSYCH EXPERTS CALL LEFT WING LEADERS PSYCHOPATHS…The Plain Truth is if you are a liberal today you really are suffering from a brain disease. It has often been said, and I too have said the same thing in my circle of friends, that liberals are not in touch with reality. In fact, their reality is fake and if the truth be known, if you were to depend on any liberal at any time you needed them in a life-or-death situation, you are going to find yourself dealing with people who are just mentally not there.

I know this is going to insult some people but you know, as this article points out which I think is done very well, it starts off saying, The Biden Administration (that insists by the way that Trump’s election would destroy America and be bad for the American people) are the same people that enthusiastically support amputating breasts off of 14 year old girls, changing boys into girls, cutting off their penis’, in favor of allowing terrorists and waves of criminals to come across the southern border without any checks or balances and see nothing wrong with it. 

These same so-called liberals are the type of people that if the truth were to be known, if you were shipwrecked on an island and you had to survive and it is a nice island, there is fresh running water and game to eat, and you are stuck with five or six liberals, you would die. Why? Because liberals basically have to live in cities, they are not found in rural America because they cannot survive where they do not have everything given to them. It is as some experts are bringing out more and more, a brain disease.

There was a study a long time ago, people that live in cities even going back to ancient times, Palestine even, Babylon and even Egypt, and you will find that people who live in cities now, tend to become very liberal minded.

The people who have to work as shepherds for example, in the hills, protecting their flocks from dangerous animals, those people have to keep a strong balance between reality of what will happen and what they have to do to survive. I am one who believes that most liberals today could not survive a week on a deserted island full of fresh running water, animals to eat, and vegetables to pick.   They would sit there waiting for someone to help them along. They would wait until they died. They would die, trust me.

This first hit me back in 2005 when Katrina absolutely annihilated Louisiana, especially New Orleans which basically went under water. This is a city built under sea level which is crazy in its own right, but we saw people stranded on tops of houses and on top of bridges that did not flee the city when they knew a hurricane of such magnitude was going to come to flood the city…yet, they had faith that their government, their corrupt, evil government was going to be able to save them so they thought, if they didn’t leave the city. So, they stayed put as this hurricane came ashore, broke the levees and flooded all of New Orleans. I remember Giraldo crying out loud on camera about how awful this was that no one was coming to their defense when George Bush was president. I am not a Bush fan, but they were expecting him to take action. What came out of Katrina was a fact that only non-liberals, people who have a conservative bent, understood that there are crises that the government cannot save you from.  There are times when you have to learn how to save yourself.

We had a report on The Plain Truth Today Podcast a few months ago on weapons and gun ownership, even with the CDC statistics, it is much more likely that you would be saved by a person with a gun than killed by a person with a gun. This is off the top of my head, but I believe 50-60 thousand people a year are shot and killed with a gun violently would be 12t15 thousand people, but the CDC admitted that 3 million people are saved from armed citizens from being assaulted by evil people, criminals with guns: not police officers with guns but armed citizens. Yet, these liberal leaders want to disarm these law-abiding citizens of their rights to bear arms, something our forefathers understood clearly…a God given right to bear arms and protect yourself. 

One of the things that had happened when we were a new country in the 1700s, was that the frontier was a large part of the American character. There was a study back in the 20s that correlated the movement of a frontier, westward in fact, until it disappeared in the 1930s and how when the west and the frontier disappeared, America became much more liberal and dependent on the government. 

If you were a pioneer and left St Louis and were on your way to California, if you were on a wagon train and facing rivers that could kill you, animals that could as well and Indians, you didn’t have the federal government there to pull your buns out of a fire when the Indians were going to build a fire around you on some pole they put you on  when they captured you. We have many heroic stories from the past about armed citizens especially in the western time in the early frontier days of America, there was a time when Kentucky was the frontier and western NY, and W Virginia was. ARMED Citizens are what kept people from being slaughtered from the Indians, bears, coyotes, bears, you name it, snakes even. People just have to learn how to survive. I don’t think that liberal people today especially could survive the movement out west. It has been said you don’t find atheists in a foxhole. Well, you don’t find liberals surviving disasters. And disasters are on our way. There are always going to be in any country, even when God blesses a country, as America was blessed by God, there is always going to be a case where some disaster occurs. One that the government just cannot save you from, they aren’t there or there aren’t enough for them. Katrina is a great example but let’s talk more about this…

What happens if we have a solar flare, something The Plain Truth has been dealing with for almost 18 years. We are worried about, well, the liberals are, Global Warming, which is pure nonsense, liberal nonsense…by people who have no touch of reality. But when our real danger is from something we cannot control, an EMP is what I am speaking about, generated from a very active solar flare scenario, we have to look at history. I believe it was in 1859…(called the Carrington Event) go look it up, but if it happened to us today, there would be no electricity for a long time, no cell phones, no computers, no cars that would run after 1968 because everything today in a vehicle is controlled by electronic parts it would all be fried from an electromagnetic pulse. All trains, trucks, electricity gonzo, all would stop…the Amish people in PA might be able to survive without a problem, however they do have cell phones too believe it or not…I deal with Amish people in the paint business so I do know this firsthand, but most Americans would find themselves running out of water because their wells are so deep and they need electricity to generate them or if one is in the city, there is pressure for running water, but it would still stop when the water plants where the cities generates the water from, from deep wells, would need electricity to run them too. Backup generators would be electronically controlled and would be fried…so what would happen within a weeks’ time with a major solar flare…something that is very possible and every scientist in the know is predicting it could happen within the next few years.

This is not an Armageddon type situation Jesus talks about in the Bible…this is something that happens every so many years. 180 years ago, there was an EMP from the sun, btw, that if it happened today, 3 to 4 million Americans would be dead within a week. 30 to 45 million Americans most likely would be dead in a month. There would be no food in the grocery stores, no credit cards would work, no cash to barter with, no gasoline could be pumped out of the ground, and we have no protection against an EMP strike either from an atomic bomb our enemies could blow up over our heads or no protection if the sun blew an EMP that hit our grid. Solar Flares would hit an entire continent, or 2 continents, maybe even the entire world would go down. You would see mass starvation and a government not able to defend its people. Liberals especially who depend upon the government for everything would die in droves. People who would survive that are people who know how to hunt, because an EMP isn’t something that is going to fry a gun…they aren’t run by electricity. They could find prey, kill and eat, people in the country as well tell to know what plants you can eat and what you cannot eat…and they would be able to find fresh sources of running water. 

A person can survive quite a few days without eating but not very long without drinking fresh water. In the cities especially the water situation that comes from lakes and reservoirs, without mechanical movement would stagnate, full of bacteria and would start killing many people while people are drinking what they think is good freshwater. They have filtered water in the cities btw that rely on systems that the government provides electricity for. The story is deeper than just the idea of a brain disease of people who are liberal.

The liberal mindset that depends on the government for everything is based on a lie. 

Based on the lie that any government can solve all of your problems. Instead of teaching self-reliance to the American people, our liberal leaders and that is in both parties, we have a lot of rhinos in the Republican Party as well, our liberal leaders would quickly be able to tell you they cannot help you. People would panic. 

People would panic, start robbing their neighbors and killing them for food, start plundering stores and violence would be on the rise, tens of millions like I said, would die quickly. Very quickly. 

We do not have to worry about China, or Putin in Russia and certainly do not have to worry about global warming which is nonsense like I said. 

In my area, I live in a rural area of Virginia, we have had a business of cutting down trees for paper. When they cut down vast areas of trees, they replant them with seedlings and in 20 years they reharvest those trees as a renewable resource, over and over again for the last 100 years or so to keep making paper. Now, when I was in 8th grade, I did a scientific experiment that many people my age most likely did, you take an aquarium and put a mouse inside of it, planting all kinds of green plants. Then you take cellophane wrap and wrap the aquarium so no oxygen can permeate it. For 3 months I believe I went with these things wrapped up. The mouse, which we were able to give food without oxygen, was able to survive because we, all animals breathe oxygen. Well, what do plants breathe? They don’t breathe oxygen. Plants breathe carbon. We are told that we have too much carbon in the world! The nonsense, the scientific nonsense about having too much carbon is ridiculous because the more carbon we have the more plants that can thrive and the more of this available produces more oxygen. Plants take in carbon and release oxygen as that little experiment proved that kept the mouse alive.  Even though you had to put something super tiny in that ecosystem, the mouse could survive because it was getting the oxygen it needed from the green plants. They were able to produce enough oxygen or the mouse to breathe in. How many people know that plants are the number one source of generating oxygen on the face of the earth!? I think most liberals do not know his. Anytime someone comes to you and says they want to see a carbon neutral environment and want to cut emissions, what they are trying to say is they are trying to curb the growth of green plants that survive off those carbons. This is science. Real science.

But what is going on where I live, they are cutting down these trees for the paper plant, but not replacing the trees. Tens of acres are not being replaces, guess what is? The solar panels that take in the sun. So, in order to produce so called green electricity from the solar source, is robbing the environment of the green plants that make oxygen that eat up the carbon. 

This is the craziness that liberalism has brought to this country. And again, like I have said, if you were on a deserted island, I would guarantee you, you would not want to be stuck with a bunch of liberals and try to survive.  You would want to be stuck with a country fold that knows how to hunt and fish and find freshwater…know what types of plants you can eat or not eat. Your government isn’t going to show up because they are going to be doing themselves because they haven’t adequately prepared themselves for an EMP strike.

If you read The Plain Truth over and over again, we run stories on these solar strikes and how they can end the world as we know it. It doesn’t have to come from a nuclear weapon, it can be caused by our own sun which has done so many times in our past.

But in our past, we didn’t survive off of electricity. We didn’t survive off the grid or the government! we survived off our hands and what our hands could produce, our weapons whether it be a bow and arrow or a gun. We were able to survive emps in the past because you yourself won’t feel an EMP. But all of the devices like what I am talking about right now are going to die. Any computer chip that gets that pulse from the sun, is going to be destroyed. 

There are products that you can buy called faraday cages that you can put your cell phone in our important electronic equipment in, which actually insulates any electronic item that you may have from that emp pulse, but our government has not seen fit to try and even protect our grid from emp sources. 

We are too busy worrying about global warming allegedly caused by greenhouse gasses or carbon…it is pure nonsense and nonsense that liberalism has brought to this country. We are being led by morons, by people who are not only evil and godless, but they are people who are brainless. As I have pointed out and as this column pointed out, these leaders are making the rules that do not make any sense. If we do not do something to change the quality of our leaders around the world, not just here, Europe is just as stupid as we are. I have to say one thing about places like China and the 3rd world, they understand that the government cannot do everything and so they have taken more precautions against things that we haven’t.

 When you hear a politician talking about or the New Green Deal, and all kinds of things like this, you are listening to someone who basically if they get their way could end up killing you and your family…everything you love. Yet, these are the people that are leading this country, the same people like I have said, that are cutting off the breast of young teenagers, turning them into boys…when they do not have the brain capacity to decide what they are, or cutting the penis’ off little boys and men because society wants them to be treated as equal girls now…we don’t even know what we are any more.

We have a supreme court justice, just put in by Joe Biden last year who couldn’t even give a definition of a woman.  Now, I think most 7-year-olds could give a definition of a woman, and a man for that matter. I am not sure that is going to continue with the educational system we have going because it is pretty damn bad, but its mind boggling to me that we are allowing ourselves to put our faith into people that cannot help you when a crisis comes. Even if this is not the end times talked about in the Bible and it is 100 years away, we are going to have hurricanes, EMPS strikes from the sun, we may be in especially with these moronic leaders, a nuclear world war which would be EMPs over every major city.

We are worried about things, or at least our leaders are trying to convince us to worry about things that simply are not important. Not important at all! Important for them to make money!

Do you know what is really behind this green new deal, these political figures that are pushing it, they have financial interests in the companies that are getting rich off of it, the battery companies, solar, mainly owned by China, and they are getting kickbacks to convince you that they are helping you against a danger that simply does not exist? 

Up until 175 years ago, the world did not know what fossil fuels, other than burning wood or coal, could do for them. 175 years ago, thanks to people like John D Rockerfeller, we started producing oil. The oil was turned into kerosene at first, then later gasoline and diesel fuel, plus other heating fuels to keep us warm. This has actually made the world a better place to live, and the world population boomed because it was a better place to live. Agriculture boomed because it was a modern science at the time, based on facts and not liberal theory and we were able to produce billions of tons of wheat each year and do all kinds of things when we were following real science, the science that God would agree with by the way, because God IS the author of science. We were the Breadbasket to the world. We were a nation who feared God, respected God but we also respected knowledge.

I remember a professor at the University of Bridgeport as I used to sit in on my brother’s classes, he became a psychologist and I became a political scientist, but I got into the paint business believe it or not, but his name was Dr. Teft, this was in 1976. HE was worried about a great anti-intellectual movement that was taking over the world and especially America. In his thesis of this anti-intellectualism, the people were beginning to take proven science and disagree with it. My brother likes to make a statement that is so true about today’s society, “today’s society is full of experts, liberal experts, that are experts about nothing. They want to lecture on rocket science, how they are launched, about nuclear energy, and about things they have no knowledge of themselves, and they are the people that are leading this country into ruin”. I hope you take the time to read the story that we are repeating again today on The Plain Truth about this idea that liberalism is a brain disease, because that is exactly what it is. 

This half hour went by pretty fast, tomorrow by the way, at 7:11 are when these broadcasts appear, you can listen to them anytime a day though, we will have another one for the Sabbath day as I always point out, if you really believe in God, you realize that the true Sabbath is Saturday, what we call Saturday, which is a pagan name that comes from the pagan god Saturnalia, but we will have a broadcast tomorrow about more things that have to do with God and what GOd thinks about things and Bible studies like that.

I try to delve into different topics that will interest people and maybe educate people about the fallacy and the nonsense you are being told on the evening news, in your classrooms, in your newspapers and amongst people who think they know what they are talking about. These are people though that are nothing but braindead morons…that is The Plain (SIMPLE) Truth. I do not want to offend and if so I am sorry, but this is the way it is as Walter Cronkite would say…but Monday I should be back with a new broadcast for the week. This is Bob Barney; I hope you know who you are…if you are a liberal you probably do not. 

Please tell people about these broadcasts, more and more people are listening, but I never expect that it will be a big crowd, but those that listen will hopefully learn some new things. Some cherry notions that you may have that are based on lies and damnable lies that that, and statistics as Mark Tank says, again, this is Bob Barney and thank you for listening, HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND!