The Real News and what you really need to know (Transcript)

By Bob Barney

I realize that you are surrounded by news every day, from television news to newspapers and internet news, but are you hearing or reading the news that is really important to you, or just pablum! 

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Do you know that the Bible predicts and tells you who the end time players are in the world? And that the enemies of Christians around the world are not going to be who you think they are today and who the mainstream media is telling you who it is, today.

Hello, this is Bob Barney with the Plain Truth Today Podcast, brought to you by The Plain A website I hope you visit every day, we have Your Health Today, the Message Board, we have The Plain Truth, the main page and we have these podcast.

The Bible predicts a world that is coming that is based upon prophesy that God gave his prophets to warn the world about events for the end of Mankind…not the end of the world. By the way, I know a lot of people who think the Bible is talking about doomsday, the Bible is not, it is actually what the Bible stands for…the Good News…there is actually good news after a lot of bad news, that is coming. The Good News is that we are going to have a government come to this earth from Heaven, run by God Himself, Jesus Christ, the God of the OLD Testament AND the New Testament…he is going to come, He won’t need your vote, but He is coming to rule the world as King of Kings and Lord of Lords and this world is going to have a rebirth and a renewing of what is GOOD…the evil of this world in turn, will disappear under this new kingdom.

The bible also foretells who the players are in the world when just before the time that Christ returns are going to be. They are not the players that you are being told today by the media about who we should be worried about. When you watch the news today if you are watching the Republican side of the news, not the democrat side of the news, the enemy is China, Russia and the Muslims crossing the border, etc…some of that is true, some are the enemy in the short term but the enemy in the long term are peoples end time we do not expect to be our enemy. God has already told us who theses end time players are 3 to 4000 years ago…through prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, the minor prophets that you see in your Bibe. We discuss this all the time…there are 12 Tribes of Israel, Israel is just another name for Jacob. He was a grandson of Abraham who actually came under the influence of God Almighty, the God of the Old Testament who became Jesus Christ. Jacob actually according to the Bible and I do believe the Bible is the Word of God, physically wrestled with a man who turned out to be Jesus Christ, the God of the Old Testament. A being transformed into just a man and he himself wrestled all night long, beating God, and the Man, Jesus Christ, touched his leg and put it out of joint and told Jacob “Let him go”… and God purposely lost the wrestling match. This was a message, a foretelling of the future. When Jacob realized at the very end that he was wrestling with God, and asked God for His name, which He would not give him by the way, He was Yahweh, the God of the Old Testament…but God said to Jacob, what is your name, and he said, my name is Jacob as if God didn’t know…God said, no longer will you be called Jacob, you will be called Israel because you struggled with God and you prevailed./

That is our life…we struggle our entire life with God and He gives us a chance to win the wrestling match and prevail. We can all prevail as Israel, or formerly known as Jacob.

When you hear the nation of Israel it is actually named after Jacob, it is the same as the Nation of Jacob. What most people do not understand is that Israel was 12 separate children of Jacob who became nations in their own right. What we consider Israel today being only the Jewish people is NOT the Israel of your Bible. The Jews were only one tribe of the 12. In modern day Israel is really modern-day Judeah. This was basically made up of 3 tribes of the south when the tribes broke up under king Solomon, the kingdom of the northern Israel who kept the name Israel, (there is a reason for that) and the southern kingdom was called Judeah, made up of Levi, Benjamin, and the Jews. The Jewish people of today are for the most part one of the three tribes. Although there are traces of all of the other tribes in modern day Israel. That is why you see a lot of blonde, blue eyed Israeli girls who are very beautiful who do not look like typical Jews, because they have Israeli blood from the tribe of Joseph or Dan, etc. Today the northern tribes of Israel which there were 10, under the leadership of Joseph, his two tribes, Ephraim and Manasseh, Ephraim being the younger son, they own the name Israel. I won’t get too much into that here, but you can visit other broadcasts…but the ten became lost because they lost their identity. In the bible it tells you how they lost their identity. They also tell you why in the Bible that the Jewish people never lost their identity. The Jewish people traced themselves back to the ancient Bible times, back to Abraham, Noah, and Adam. Why didn’t the Jewish people never lose their identity? Well, in the10 Commandments there is one commandment and that is the 4th commandment that is a sign that if you keep this commandment, you will never lose your identify of being Gods people.

If you are Catholic of Protestant if can be anywhere between the 3rd of the 4th commandment but in actuality it is the 4th Commandment…that says honor the Sabbath day and keep it holy and as long as people keep the Sabbath day, they will know their identity and the Jewish people have always kept the Sabbath day which is Saturday.

The Northern tribes under Israel, is another name for the tribes of Joseph, they lost their Sabbath day, they changed it and their Holy Days to different days then what God commanded. Sunday became their day of worship and their holy days which they switched from being the Holy Days found in the Bible like Passover, The Feast of Tabernacles, Pentecost, they changed to their own holy days like easter and Christmas that we all keep to this day, and we lost our identity because we lost the Sabbath Day. That is the simple truth, and you can find that in the Bible.

If you would like to send an email to us at any time to There are 30 minutes to this show, and I think if you really care what God thinks about you and you really want to please Him, it is your job, not my job, to go and find this stuff. The more you diligently search, and it isn’t handed to you, the more you will appreciate what you have learned. If I just hand it to you, where to find everything, you will just go to those verses and you will be just brainwashed by Bob Barney. I want you to go to the Bible and see for yourself, there is a message that you have not been taught by your churches as to what your salvation is all about as well as the gospel. It is not about Jesus Christ the person…as this effeminate male who walked around the earth with long hair, which he did not have, forgiving everybody for everything they did. He did not do this either.

The Jesus Christ of the Bible is the person who is God who could get mad, who could condemn people to an eternal damnation, promising certain people they will lose their eternal life, refusing to forgive people who are evil…this is the Jesus Christ you don’t hear about in church. You hear of an effeminate Jesus who forgives everyone’s sins. That is NOT the real Jesus. When you read the Bible for yourself and you understand and I always tell people when you start reading the Bible, start reading the first book of John, before you read anything else, because when you read the first chapter of John, you understand the identity of Jesus Christ. That he is the God that created the universe…the earth…Adam and Eve, who created everything and is the God of the Old Testament who is the Word of God, the one that made it all happen, who became of Man through a virgin’s birth canal and became the Savior of the World who died for all of our sins, and who is alive today in Heaven, waiting to return to the earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords…and that is The Plain Truth, that is the Gospel, that is the GOOD NEWS that Christ came to bring….Christ is the greatest newscaster of all times…He came to bring the news; the Good News and you can read for yourself about who He is and know who the end time players are.

The people of the End Times are Israel, who will go into captivity before Christ returns and become slaves to an evil empire called the King of the North or a revised Holy Roman Empire as you see in the book of Daniel. The King of the North is central Europe under the domination of the Holy Roman Church, the Catholic Church in Rome and a Pope. That is what every forefather in the USA understood. They understood the Bible, they knew who the beast of Revelation is. They understood the Mark of the Beast, of many did not understand the again the Mark command being again the Sabbath and that the Mark of the Beast is Sunday worship, not the Sabbath day, and this has deceived most of the world. Most Christians…and I am not against Christians who sincerely love God with all of their heart, who try to please God and still follow Christmas and easter and go to church every Sunday morning as I did as a child, before I became an atheist, and relearn really what God wanted by reading His Word instead of listening to other people.

But I am not against people who experience God and Jesus in their own way…they believe they are going to go to Heaven when they die, they really are not going to if they read and believe what they read in the Bible, but if it gives them comfort and they follow God the best they can and they love Jesus Christ and know He is your Savior, trying to live a good life, I am not against you, I am not calling you wrong, and I am not asking you to do much except read the Bible and try to understand that the Bible is telling you something different then you have been led to believe.

If you really liisten in our heart to the Wrods of jesus Christ, you have made it and you have eternal life coming. God is not going to judge you as maybe you should be judged. Christ came to forgive you, I am not against you if you are doing all of the things that the Bible says you should not be doing, if you belive He is your Savior and know that He died for you and you do everything you can to pleaes God, God is going to accept you in your errors and accept you the way you are. So, do not think for one minute that I am condemdning anyone that believe in Jesus Christ. I am trying to get to people who are searching for the Real Jesus Christ, or the read answer, or the real future of this world. The real news of the future…I am trying to convince you that you can find this in the pages of your Bible and find out who the end time players are. You can understand that Europe, Germany, is the Assyria of the Old Testament, the Assyrian people that took over Northern Tribes of Israel, the Ten Lost Tribes as they are called, took them into captivity back to what was modern day Iraq, a very warlike people who called their homeland, the Fatherland…only one people in the world do that and that is Germany. They were also white, arian raced people that lived in Iraq that look like the white people oif today and you can see that when you look at the hieroglyphics and the drawings they did of themselves. Their enemy came after a while, Babylon, which is modern day Iran, which pushed them out of the region of Iraq and they went through the Caucuses Mountains, and who we call Caucasians, as we call them today because they are white, they went through Russia and eastern Europe with the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel who are identified today as the USA and England, Denmark (DAN Mark) the mark of Dan, Scandanavian, the Netherlands (Nephtali), Reuben, the man who slept with one of his father’s wives, not his mother, another wife, are the French today who are known for their sexual indiscretions (just like their father Reuben), and the central Europeans are the Assyrians. The Babylon mystery religions that you find in Revelations set on the 7 Hills, and Rome is on seven Hills, is the Catholic Church.

Our forefathers knew this.

Did you know there was a time when anyone in the world was more accepted than a Roman Catholic was? The discrimination in Colonial America was vast. Jewish people in America found it much easier to survive in a protestant world then Catholics.

Di you know that in man y states, especially in New England, Christmas was outlawed? Anyone who celebrated Christmas was fined and sometimes put in jail. This even happened after the Constitution of the United States…Christmas was outlawed up until the 1820s.

When you watch movies out west, in the Christmas time, did not have Christmas. The southern people had it, the church of England had Christmas because it was very important to the English people, but did you know there was a time in English history when they deposed their king and the puritans of England took over the English country for about nine years, outlawed the practice of Christmas in England. Take a look in history for that, look it up, this is a Plain Truth history lesson you need to know.

The Bible says in the end times, just before Christ returns, there will be three major world powers. One is called the King of the North which is clearly identified as a reunified Holy Roman Empire under the domination of the Catholic Church and the Pope, and the anti-Christ is a person who gets his power from the pope like Charlamagne did and crowned himself the holy roman emperor on Christmas day in 800 AD. That person is the beast of Revelation, is the Anti-Christ of Revelation and is the King of the North. And a second power who will eventually be defeated by the King of the North is a power we are all familiar with today, and that is the Muslim world. Especially the Muslim world of North Africa and the Middle East. There will become a unified United States of Islam, like there is going to be a United States of Europe, there is going to be a United States of Islam which is going to be a world power of a multi-state union of Islamic countries from Africa all the way to the Middle East, to Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Egypt, all of those areas and it is going to be one single leader that runs the entire empire called the King of the South. You can read that in your Bible in the book of Daniel. That is the second world power that we are told about.

Then there is a third world power which is quite mysterious, and you only understand this one if you read the book of Revelation. It is from the “east”. Some people think it is Russia, I don’t believe it is, I believe it is a Japanese dominated China. Why I believe this, because this third power that enters into the situation at the end times just before the return of Jesus Christ as Lord of Lords and King of Kings, is a 300-million-man army. They march on Jerusalem just before the Battle of Armageddon.

So you have the King of the Nort that eventually defeats the King of the South…when you had your history lessons in school and read about the Crusades, where the Holy Roman Empire was invading the holy land and taking it away from the Muslims, they were battles that were predicted 2000 years earlier by Daniel and prophets even before him as the King of the North, fighting the King of the South and tha time it was Europe’s crusades against the King of the South and the Crusades were the Muslim leaders who were controlling Jerusalem at the time. This is Bible prophesy as history that you don’t even know as Bible prophesy because it isn’t taught in any school.

But the same King of the South will attack the King of the North, which we are seeing now. You see the Muslim attack on Europe. Well, this will elad to a unified Europe under a demon, an anti0Christ that will attack the King of the South just before the return of Christ and defeat the King of the South.

There is scripture in Revelation in this battle of them both, that up to 2 billion Muslims will die in a single day. That would only happen with a nuclear exchange where a third of the population of the earth is vaporized in a matter of minutes…in a nuclear holocaust caused by the King of the North.

The third entity that comes into the scene is this three million people army which is most likely like I said although you cannot prove this in the Bible, I believe are the Chinese and they are going to be that you see in the next fifteen to twenty years…will happen…I am not saying Christ is coming back tomorrow, that cannot happen as so much has to happen before He does. As I have said before, I am not one of these Dooms Dayer that wants to sell you something, you can buy nothing on The Plain Truth…you cannot buy anything there unless it is from our paint company which pays for this site…but the end times Chinese in my opinion, you can see, that the real domination of the Pacific will be the Japanese again. Today, the Japanese are very passive people, but they are a warlike people and still have the samurai culture of world domination of their Oriental world like the Japanese of WWII.

I believe that the end time battle of Armageddon between the King of the North and the King of the South and this 300-million-man army, is really a revival of what we see happen in WWII. With a Hitler type leader out of Germany being supported by the Catholic Church which did not happen in WWII, fighting against a Muslim, the King of the South, and a Japanese ruled China, will enter the world as a third power. Notice the USA is nowhere to be found, because by the time Christ returns the tribulation is underway, America and the rest of Israel, that is France, Scandanavia, England, the USA, Australia, etc, are all going to be dominated and in captivity under the control of the King of the North, aka the anti-Christ. We are going to be merged into a world government, which is really a European world government which the Muslim do not join and this Eastern power I mentioned, they will not join this world power. It will be a Europe dominated North America, and a Europe dominated control over England like i have said, the Lost Ten Tribes, France, holland, Scandanavia, just like WWII When Hitler dominated eastern and western Europe. And I believe Russia whom we see as the beast today, will be defeated by the King of the North and become slaves to Europe just as they were almost slaves in WWII. These are the players that are going to be in the future of the world.

When you read the news, always be aware of what is happening in Europe and what is going on with the Muslims. Because you are being told what is forming for the end times. The Chinese under Xi are most likely leading themselves into ruin with how they are trying to overtake the pacific…emboldening North Korea to send missiles over Japan…this is not good because when a rearmed Japan happens, it will be a new militarized Japan under a kamikaze samurai type culture. China could see itself utterly destroyed in seconds by kamikaze pilots flying nuclear H bombs over the 60 major cities in China…exploding H bombs that would destroy a billion people in a matter of seconds. China is poking the dragon today. That dragon is Japan.

So, I think if you pay attention to what happens in Europe, the Muslim world (especially No Africa and the Middle East) and what is happening with Japan rearming itself, you know who the future players, the future EVIL players are going to be. Always watch what is going on in the news especially in those three areas. As for America, realize we are eventually going into captivity. we are not mentioned during the tribulation. Christians though are mentioned, and they will most likely be from America and around the world, led to a place of safety…some people hope this is still AMerica as we have been a place of safety for the past 300 years but that is not likely, that is not necessarily the case. It is most likely that America is going to be controlled by the aliens amongst us. Read Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 if you do anything today, in a very modern Bible, like the Message Bible, or the New Living Testament, or even our Bible, the Plain Truth Bible linked will see that America will be conquered by the aliens living amongst us and we become their slaves.

We are seeing this already, we see veterans sleeping on the streets, the government does not take care of them, but if you come over the border illegally you get an automatic credit card with thousands on it, free room and board and pretty soon the freedom to vote. We already see that the alien is ruling over this country already and it is going to continue, especially under democrat rule. Maybe we can forestall that by going to God in prayer, but it will ultimately be the way America goes. This is a brief synopsis of what your future is going to be like over the next 20 – to 300 years, I have no idea how long it will take but I am certainly not saying it is going to be tomorrow and send me some money. All of this cannot happen tomorrow, but the demise of America CAN happen. tomorrow.

This once again is Bob Barney for The Plain Truth and please tell your friends about this broadcast and we will see you back tomorrow, Wednesday at 7:11. Bye.