The Republican Diet – Eating Each Other (Transcript)

By Bob Barney

I hate to admit it, but the title of this show is the republican diet, eating each other for breakfast lunch and dinner, and lunch. Only the Republican party is able to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.

I hate to admit it, but the title of this show is the republican diet, eating each other for breakfast lunch and dinner, and lunch. Only the Republican party is able to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.

Hi, this is Bob Barney and I want to talk about what’s going on in politics today amongst the Republicans, what it means to you, the country, and who it is really hurting and even helping.

You have to wonder if it is helping people that you wouldn’t think the Republicans would want to help, and then you have to ask yourself, what is motivating these people.

This week we have had republicans attacked and we also went through last January i think it was, 18 votes to get a speaker that was removed within 8 months and the average American that is not a news junky that are watching the republicans win the house and replace Nancy Pelosi with hope that things were finally going to turn around, watched the dirtiest and the most stupid infighting i have ever seen in any party. You don’t see with the democrats. However, this week I have a story here that I will read a little bit of. This week the democrats actually had their republican type of moment, but of course the republicans want to make sure their stupidity can outweigh the democrats’ mistakes. The whole thing I am talking about took place in the senate bull necked OK senator, Mark Wayne Mullin, intimidated a teamster president with a slandering tweet. So naturally Mullin challenged O’Brien to a brawl during a senate meeting and started trading insults back and forth and it took Bernie Sanders of all people to break it up. (insert laughter here). It is kind of funny, but you want to know what? It did not get a lot of airtimes.

First of all, the mainstream media doesn’t want to make union people or democrats look bad, so if they didn’t have to run with the story they sure wouldn’t want to, but if it was a slow news day they would. Low and behold, the republicans came to the rescue of the democrats again.  Because the main event happened in the house of representatives, over here in the right corner was the former house leader, Kevin McCarthy, and was accused by TN Republican rep Tim Burchette, that he elbowed him in the kidneys after the vote to remove him. Of course, our favorite television star Matt Gaetz, who I think is an absolute ass and on the dems payroll, got into it and called for an ethics investigation into McCarthy allegedly elbowing event. So, when you think you have the democrats brawling with each other, not the republicans have to come and swoop in. So the media is talking about McCarthy which is a no story bu8t it gave the dems what they needed, an excuse not to have to play the democrat problems…I was absolutely shocked, wait, first of all, let me make this clear, I am not a fan and was never a fan of McCarthy, but I am a realist and in order to be in politics you have to be a realist. Ronald Reagan was successful because he understood even though you couldn’t win everything you try to win the majority of battles and sometimes you had to give up things to do so. That is what American politics is about and what the founding fathers wanted to make sure happened, you cannot always get things your way. I will admit that after he became the speaker, Kevin probably did more than any other speaker since Newt to give a unified message on how and where they stood on issues; yes, Kevin was probably a RINO but honestly should the house investigate Joe Biden’s corruption?> YEs. Should the house impeach him as some of these real radical republicans want an investigation going? Do you think this will help the republican party and get the average American looking at the republicans like they are do nothing idiots You cannot impeach the man; well, you can impeach him but not remove him when you have a democratic senate. That is the most ridiculous thing in the world. You have all these people thinking Gaetz when he says we have to wrap up the investigations on ourselves…the investigation is one thing, the impeachment is too premature because you do not have a senate yet. Do you know what is going to happen if you have the pubs doing what I think they are going to do? They are going to lose the house. Then where are you? 

Then if you have another Nancy Pelosi type assigning the committee chairman’s and who is on what committee, what is going to happen to the pub party> I will make this prediction and this is not a fun prediction…If Donald Trump becomes president and he loses both the house and the senate and the majority of the senate is democrat and the majority of the house is democrat, no matter what happens trump will be impeached monthly. He may not have the vote to get him out of the senate, but he will be impeached constantly until finally enough republicans in the senate will say enough, I am going along with it to get rid of him. Why Because there are enough RINO’s in the republican senate that might now be afraid to remove and impeach Donald Trump but after the fourth or fifth or more votes in the house which will happen under democratic rule, eventually the liberal republicans which are a lot of senators which are really liberal republicans, will go along with the democrats and remove him from office, put him in jail and any hope you have of any economy or anything you had in 2017 with lowest unemployment for all groups and minority, etc., will be gone and the country is definitely gone. So, it is important that the republicans at least maintain the house and gain in the senate and even maybe take over the senate. Then you don’t do this, you do not win the house and senate by insulting your voting base. And when you run around blaming republicans and I am talking about republicans blaming other republicans for petty things like elbowing somebody in the kidney, which I don’t even believe happened by the way, I don’t think McCarthy is the kind of guy that would do that…I think he would stab you in the back bu8t I don’t know if he would do anything physical because he would probably get beat up insult but just sitting there fighting over the speakership, the first of removing him one vote, 8 people think about this…8 people removed a speaker of the house. That is not a majority. That was because the deal McCarthy had to become speaker, allowed one person to bring up one vote to replace him…they only have a four or five seat majority, all I think it took was four or I’ve house members to vote to remove him and the democrats would all vote in unison because that is how they roll like good democrats and you have no speaker and that is what happened. 

Then we go through another 3 or four weeks while the world is on the verge of WWIII and Israel is fighting and where nuclear bombs could be flying through the air, what the hell are we doing in Washington DC and the house of representatives? We are fighting over the speaker. Then we have people saying this one is going to be the best we ever had but I don’t know about that. I hope he is. 

I don’t put my faith in man, not RR or DJT. I believe they both were great men and great presidents, and I supported them and still do, but I don’t put my faith in God Almighty and that is Jesus Christ and God the father. I do not put much into any leader or any man, that only leads to constant disappointment. I think unfortunately, the media that we call the conservative media are just at fault with making this happen. They build up someone into a martyr, a saint, and then they help rip him down. My brother and I have to say he saw his long before I did, my brother for 15 years refused to watch Fox News. I used to watch Fox News and he would tell me, Bob, don’t you understand that what these people are doing are making conservative people like us look like we are radical fools? 

They don’t put people on like you or me in an interview. They take someone on the very far left and the very far right and that they call fair and balanced. Far and balanced would take people out of the middle. They made everything look black and white which things aren’t. Only God is black and white in his law, in his way, but when it comes to politics and events that are going on, there are a lot of shades of gray. What they say and I have to agree as I stopped watching Fox 5 years ago, they made people think old fashioned and stupid. They make us look like we are the problem when we are the solution. We are hardworking Americans who are going to work every day, the ones that fight for the country in the military or do the same in their factory jobs…. that is what you are doing to keep this country going. If you are in fact manufacturing things, these people are made to look like idiots. You are witnessing this firsthand when you have the media blaming mainly white middle-class America for all the ills in this country. It was white middle-class Americans that brought us freedom in 1776, it was white upper- and middle-class American people that brought us that freedom.  Those that signed it were rich and middle class and put everything on the line… It was white middle-class men who sleeved slaves for the union. White democrats were all right to sign for the confederacy by the way. IT was white middle-class men who eventually allowed women to vote, it was white middle-class men who gave black people more equal rights in the 1960s, it wasn’t the democrats, it was the republicans in the house and the senate that democrat presidents aligned with to take away some of the discrimination, and there definitely was some. discrimination, but now every problem in America is a white middle-class person. IT was only men before bu8t know it is including the women because now too many seem to be identifying with the Trump movement, the make American first movement, which i believe making it first, but I don’t necessarily agree with the movement, why because a lot of them are fools, or actually spies for the enemy; sleeping with the enemy. That happened last week when Tucker Carlson interviewed Candace Owens with her controversy with Ben Shapiro over the Hamas deal where Ben had called her an antisemite and then she got back at him verbally, fighting amongst each other instead of fighting the common enemy.

The Republicans are eating their own. That is why I call it the diet of the republicans. They are cannabis. Cannibalizing the party, their own people, fighting over the most nonsensical things in the world. How in the world really can you defend anything that Hamas did? Now are they being mistreated by the Israelis IDF? Maybe. I am not a fan of any powerful government, especially a liberal leftist’s government like America, like Israel, like Western Europe’s which I am skeptical of when we get news from them. But when you go around slaughtering women and children and pull babies out of their wombs and murder and slay everyone, that is not a fighter. In the revolutionary war we were fighting for our freedom, not slaughtering citizens. Sometimes, innocent people through vigilante’s were hurt or injured in the revolutionary war, but it was not a tactic of the leaders of the revolutionary war. That is the difference. THere are always atrocities in war. 

You know, Douglas McCarthy said, war is the greatest sin of mankind. My brother Bill says war is evil. War is a sin. But once you are in war, rules can apply when the other side won’t follow those same rules. Believe it or not, in WWII for the most part the civilized people who were fighting in the axis powers, they followed rules. They did so because they realized that without doing so, they were bringing destruction on their own people. toward the end, Hitler was so deranged he stopped following the rules and started seeing his cities carpet bombed to destruction and he killed more people than he needed to because they could have easily surrendered. But going into this deeper, you cannot defend terrorism. American Indians had a real hard time living with white people. There are no two ways about it moving west. We took over their land. But you know what, Indians took over each other’s land. More Indians killed Indians like blacks kill blacks like white people kill Indians.  There were more Indians on Indian crimes, but ultimately the USA did have to end that war. They had to protect their citizens….and most people of good will know that the Indians were not given a fair shake. But at the same time, the Indians did not want to assimilate. The ones that did for example the Cherokee nation in North Carolina, tended to assimilate like in todays, you have all these independent businesspeople especially in the construction business who are in fact Indians. Most people who built the skyscrapers in NYC were Mohicans. They are Indians that walk beams at 1000 feet with no fear of heights. Those that want to assimilate are accepted into this country. IT is those who do not want to assimilate that often find problems. But getting back to this situation that is going on…I am 68 years old, and I have never seen the republican party in such disarray as it is today. If it doesn’t get its act together, we are going to lose it in 2024, and I am not going to say We because I don’t even consider myself a republican anymore, but if they lose, we lose, we all lose. Especially in the business that I am in, it will be the end of my career, a death knell, that is what I am fighting for my children, and I am fighting for you. I want you to see that there are answers, and they aren’t coming from the media we are watching. Please go to the plain Truth….there are a lot of stories you will see on our site that you do not see on any other site. Yes, we do a lot of links to other stories that we find, we spend a lot of our time researching stories and then we bring them to you, so they are coming from other sources, but we also do a lot of original stories as well. It is the one place that you can go to where you don’t have to worry about us being bribed by any advertisers. Big pharma is not paying any of our way at all, nothing…

We are not beholden to any advertiser, we don’t accept donations. we are not a church, we are a news organization…I feel it is my duty because God has blessed me in my later years after hard work and a lot of struggle, to then afford , these are very low tech. I am in a small room talking into an iphone. i dont have a studio, or even have the ability to paulse and re record which i would like to be able to do, so i have to do these shows off the cuff with a few notes in front of me. I am pretty good at remembering things….to basically sight facts and figures because I am a facts and figures kind of person. If you are in business you better know about those or selse. 

When you see our postings it is generally what we believe and you see us trying to come up with some answers. I have not yet given up on this country but I have basically given up on the republican party. I am hoping they will still get their act together. Gaetz should be censured himself or removed because he is nothing but a showman. Maybe there’s more to his story than anyone would want to admit, like an investigation to see if there is anything we need to know. I am wondering about that, I cannot deny. Bu8t i am worried about this country because I know who we are in the Bible. I understand that we are the lost Tribes of Israel. And that we are destined to be destroyed in the future and go back into captivity and become under a world dictator. Probably from Germany or Rome. And I dont want to see it happen right away. God will delay the harm of this country if its people turn back to God in prayer and ask God For forgiveness for not following his way and his laws and for healing God is a god of healing. j He can heal this nation. He can heal the republican party, he can heal the democratic dept, he can turn everything around if we invite him in athats ia all i am trying to do in these broadcasts is to realize that your prayers matter, you talking to God mattes I think you would think it would be great if you could talk to any president. To talk to DJT personally I think you would feel honored and feel like you meant something to the world. Yet right now, you can go in your house, sit on your coach and start talking to God and he is listening.

If you have the sincere heart, remember what I have said, God says, “Those who seek me diligently will find me.” If you want God in your life, and diligently go after Him and study and accept what you undercover when you study, things you may not want to be and want to believe, ,but you know it is from God, if you seek him in this manner you will find him and . So what is more important> If DJT was sitting in your living room, or God? Talking to Him, the Creator of the Universe. I would rather have him listening to me than any man on the face of the earth. whoever has lived or ever will live…

Again, this is Bob Barney and I hope you listen to this show. We try to put it on almost every day or someone else if not me….

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