God’s Calendar – Part 1 (Transcript)

By Bob Barney

(This is a broadcast that was published the day before the New Year on God’s Calendar and is an excellent study on how to prove the real calendar we all should be following)

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No, I haven’t lost my calendar!  Yes, I do know what day the new year falls on when it comes to the Roman calendar that we all follow. Many, if not most do not know the actual beginning of the new year in God’s calendar.

The year starts in the spring and is comprised of twelve (12), 30-day months. Almost no one understands this fact. The Jewish calendar for example follows a lunar/solar year of only 354 days per year. Every three years they add a 13th month. Sounds nice, but it is not Biblical. They also start their day in the evening. They got this idea for evening days while in Babylon during their captivity, just like we do with our day starting at midnight. We get this day from the pagan Romans. God’s day starts in the morning at dawn. The easy proof to that is in the first chapter of Genesis. “The first day came, then evening, then morning”… which is called the end of the first day, the second was starting. Read The Rest

Click Here to Listen to Bob Barney’s 7:11 Broadcast: God’s Calendar Part 1

Good morning, everyone, this is Bob Barney at 7:11 in the morning. I have a different subject today that I think some people will find interesting and some people may find it sort of boring. It is something you probably do not know about and that is what God’s true calendar is. We follow different calendars throughout the year. There is the federal, school (which begins in September), the Julien and Gregorian Calendar…the New Year starts in January, there is the Roman Calendar too with 365 days…some people who listen to this broadcast know the Jewish calendar because some are 7thDay Keepers, which follow a lunar calendar which goes by new moons, this is a misunderstanding of the Bible but we will discuss that another time.

The calendar of course changes every year that the Jewish people follow so nothing is ever perfectly fixed. There is the Mayan, the Egyptian, the Babylonian Calendar, the Hebrew Calendar is basically the Babylonian calendar. 

It is my belief that the calendar was one time when the earth rotated around the sun perfectly in 365 days. The moon rotated around the earth perfectly every 30 days. Today though, it is very obvious that it takes the earth 365 1/4 days to circumnavigate the sun and it takes the moon only 29 and a half days to go around the earth. So, we have a calendar today that cannot be exact. There is a reason for that, and I believe the Bible gives us a clue. It also gives a clue that God’s calendar is still 365 days long. How do you fit that into a 365 1/4 day year?

According to God, when does the day start? We follow, which is ridiculous, a daytime that starts at midnight. This is when the new day begins and is a roman reckoning of time that we still follow from the Roman Empire. The Jewish peo9ple of today believe that their day begins in the evening at sunset. Sunset to sunset is a day for them and it is easily disproved in the Bible. God’s calendar starts when you would think it starts, at dawn of the morning. The first inkling of the sunrise in the morning is when God’s calendar begins. We posted again today some of my calendar articles and we won’t get into it in this show but a broad spectrum to describe what God’s calendar and Holy Days are and why He wants us to follow these days. 

There is a discussion amongst peo9ple in the church of God if the day still applies today as far as the Sabbath. Other people think that all the holy days apply to everyone. In my estimation, only the Sabbath Day today is to be followed although it is possible if y9uo follow the correct regulations you can follow Passov3e3r, The Feast of Tabernacles, etc. we are specially told not to follow the ways of the heathen and not follow their holiday. Their holidays are the ones we follow today, Easter, New Years Day, Christmas, Halloween, etc., these are all ancient Babylon holidays which we have adopted and Christianized some of them. You can find many instances in the Bible about not following the ways of the heathen, not taking their holidays and putting God’s name on them, God gets insulted.

The easiest way to explain this is let’s say you were married before and had children with your spouse. Now they are divorced and have a second spouse. The children are told that the second spouse’s birthday now becomes their real mother’s birthday, and they aren’t to celebrate their real mom’s birthday. I will guarantee you that will upset the original parent of those children; they would feel offended. God says He is a jealous God. That He will not allow any other God to take his place. The same happens with God’s holidays. He is not going to allow pagan holidays, to put his name on them and say it is a Christian holiday. He will not accept that.  You can take some time to look into God’s holy days and you will see numerous articles but a lot of them will be wrong in a sense…but then again, you still get the idea that His holidays followed. His holy days are the Saturday Sabbath, most important, then in the spring of the year, comes the New Year, then Passover and the week of Unleavened Bread, then the Feast of First fruits, then the Feast of Pentecost, then the Feast of Trumpets which brings in the 7th month of the year, then the Day of Atonement where you fast and pray, which this year we want people to fast and pray on June 14th as you will see the Jeremiah3227.com website. We recommend you go to that site and consider fasting and praying for America…we should probably also do it on September 25th which is the actual Day of Atonement where we should atone for America. Then there is the Feast of Tabernacles, then the Last Great Day. The holy days go from April all the way up until the first week of October.

Going back to when the day starts, people that believe that the day begins in the evening like many Jewish people and Sabbatarians do so by misunderstanding the book of Genesis. It says in the beginning, God (Elohim) created the heavens and the earth, and the earth became formless and void. God said, Let there be LIGHT! When does that happen? In the morning! Then God did work all day long and then ended with, then came evening, then came morning…the first day. Now, if you read that without any preconceived notions, you realize that the day began at the command of Let There Be Light, and the next day began at the end of the darkness in the beginning of the second day of light at sunrise. The day of God is reckoned by sunrise to sunrise and not from sunset to sunset. That came into the Jewish calendar during their Babylonian captivity. This can be proved easily in the Bible and this week will put many articles up on the calendar, since we are coming into the time of Passover, etc, Please check back and see what we are featuring as you will see God’s plan in the day, the week, and the Holy Days.

If God is important to you, the things that God thinks are important should be important to you. If y9ou have children and there are certain important things they hold dear, they become important to you, same with a spouse.  If there is love for your spouse of course. I can say the same thing applies to God. Anything God thinks is important to do, I think we should do. God clearly wants us to obey His Ten Commandments and one of those is the Sabbath Day. To do it by our own study of the Bible, which is God’s love letter to us, every word of the Bible is inspired by God or direct quotes of God, they are read in the Plain Truth Bible in both the Old and New Testament. The reason why is because the God speaking in the Old Testament is Jesus Christ. If you go to our site, you can see the articles that are available which proves who the God of the Old Testament is. IT doesn’t mean old Father God and this young Jesus was born in year 0 and he made everyone full of love and He is all about forgiveness and different then that mean old God of the Old Testament. But the God that became a human and became Jesus Christ was the God of the Old Testament. When y9ou read the first chapter of John, chapter one, it becomes clear who Jesus Chrsit is in His preexisting form.

Going back to the morning day, it begins in the morning, look out for the column on When Does the Day Begin. It is very important to realize that the day begins at sunrise. It makes sense. l When does your day begin When you wake up and get out of bed in the morning. Most people who have a job wake up around sunrise roughly. That is when their day begins. It doesn’t begin after they work all day and come home and have dinner and are ready to go to sleep. Even the idea of this is absurd, so we understand once you read these articles, you will understand that the day starts in the morning. There is very good proof of this in the book of John again, the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus was not resurrected on a Sunday morning…it was on a Saturday evening. You can prove that because it would be 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth as a prophecy of Jonah and executed around 3 o’clock on a Wednesday, the day before the Jewish Passover but His Passover Day. He rose from the dead 72 hours later, on the Sabbath Day sometimes between 6 and 7 o’clock. When the women got to the tomb Sunday morning, they found it empty. There was no Easter sunrise…that’s another pagan holiday but it is important to realize that they got to the tomb and the Book of John says “on the morning of the first day of the week at dawn”…this is just before the sun rose. Then in the same chapter it says that same evening, being the first day of the week all of the disciples met together.   If there was an evening day as the Jewish people follow and many Sabbatarians follow, why would the day in the morning be the same day as that evening? It is very simple to explain. When you mention this to any Sabbatarian, they have trouble explaining that chapter or the two verses because John is clearly showing that the same day at nighttime, when the disciples met together was the same exact day of the week at night Sunday night that was Sunday morning at sunrise. 

Going on now to the 360-day calendar, and this is important because it is my belief, and this is not found in the Bible, I will always tell y9ou when it is my belief based on the brain that God gave me, that in the beginning the earth had a 365-day journey around the sun. Because all prophesy of God is based on 360-day years. For example, in Rev, we are told of a time of tribulation, and it is a time and a half, then it is 42 months then it is 1260 days. When you figure it out, it is exactly 42, 30-day months. It is important that it goes on two-year times one year, half a time, 3 and a half years. If you read the article that will accompany this on the calendar, that the Jewish calendar that is practiced today, they put in a 13th month every three years to get the calendar right because a lunar calendar only has 354 days. They fall 9 days short every year. So, at the end of 3 years, they have to put in a 13th month to get back around this spring equinox to have their calendar stay where Passover has to fall in the spring.

The mulsime for example follow a strict Lunar Calendar which is why their Ramadan falls throughout the year depending on the year, they do not adjust their calendar to the sun, therefore one year it could be in January and the next it can be in February, or backwards, December, October, July, all over the place, their holidays are not fixed. But the Bible is specific that Passover must fall in the Spring. Jewish scholars, rabies at the time, had a problem so they arbitrarily, learning this from the Babylonians added a 13th month every three years. Notice that in the book of Rev, God’s calendar is 42 months of 30-day months. There is no 13th month added. There are not 43 months, there are 42 months. Because God follows a 30-day 12-month calendar. Originally the moon took 30 days to circumnavigate the earth, and then the moon would be new at the first of every month. That is not the case today. When we see a full moon, a new moon, it changes, sometimes it might be September 10, or September 25, and then it could be September 29th…it is not fixed because the moon’s rotation around the earth is only 29 1/2 days.  Why is that? This is not biblical. this is what I believe…I am following logic…

There was a great event that changed humankind forever. Before Noah’s flood, people lived to be nearly a 1000-year-old Number 2, we know there was an atmosphere different than what there is today…the earth had a canopy around it. It was a great vapor cloud. That is where the rain came from for the flood. The earth was flooded in two ways according to the Bible. One was the underground water supply bursting out filling up the lakes and oceans, it also says that the great canopy over top of the earth that protected the earth from the sunlight from the harmful sunlight radiation, also rained down in the form of rain for 40 days and 40 nights which helped the flood. We notice in the Bible, after the flood, when Noah comes out of the yard, a couple of things happen, the atmosphere changes and the canopy is different. The air pressure therefore is different. This is maybe how we can now explain how these giant birds that we find in fossil records can fly. You know the pterodactyl cannot fly in today’s environment. Even the scientists who believe in junk science say they cannot fly and that they have to walk up to the top of a mountain and then glide down. Their body was too big for their wingspan, but if you realize that the earth maybe has 3 or 4 times the pressure that we have today, that a pterodactyl could easily fly in those conditions because there would have been enough pressure in the air to give it lift.  That is why it is easier to fly at sea level than it is at Mount Everest, that is why birds are not up that high or above there because there is no lift there in the sky if you go higher because the air is pressurized. 

So to understand what happened with the flood, after It got trillions of tons of water from the canopy plus underground, the earth in my opinion became heavier and its rotation around the sun slowed to the present 365 1/2 days. This also caused the rotation of the moon to slow down the gravitational pull of 1/2 a day. so, the moon no longer follows the solar calendar like before. People will say people call it New Moons in the Bible, so the new moon is when you follow it. That’s just not the case and I can prove it by our own calendar. We say January is followed by a new month, February. Well, is there a new moon when we have February 1st? NO. Where does the name month come from? From MOON. Month. That is where it comes from. It is Germanic in origin. We use the word month so in the Bible when you read a new moon, it means new month and should be translated as new month. Because after the flood the months no longer corresponded with the moons. They were not looking for the crescent of the moon to decide when the new month began.  That is pagan in origin. They knew their calendar and it was perfect.

When Moses was told and you see this in the book of Exodus, you will see this day being your first day. Moses was familiar. He was an Egyptian pharaoh, in line to be in my opinion, but e was royalty, even tho he was born into the tribe if Levi and a Hebrew, he was adopted by the pharaoh’s daughter, he was learned in everything that Egypt knew about and Egypt followed a solar calendar of 365 1/4 solar days a year, but only 30-day months.  How did they justify the extra 5 1/4 days? Unlike God’s calendar that must start in the spring, spring is the beginning of the birth…Egyptian days in the new year always started in the summer solstice, in June, because they had to know exactly when the river Nile would flood. It floods within the same days every year. So, they needed to know exactly when the flooding would happen to channel the water to grow their crops. They easily realized, if June 20th, the solstice, was the first day of the New Year, then they would count 30-day months. Then they would come to 365 days, and they are 5 and a quarter day short, all they did for those days is count them as no days. They waited until the net solstice to start the calendar. When Moses was told that today would be the new month, he understood the Egyptian idea was being changed but the same thing, he was to follow 12, 30-day months and the calendar would fall 5 and a 1/4 days short. So, around March 15, OR 16, year, the month ends and there is a 5 day, sometimes 6 day NO DAY, days that don’t count You don’t start counting the calendar until March 20th, the spring equinox. In doing so the holidays fall on the same day every year. For example, Passover will always be the nighttime of the 2nd of April, and the daytime of the 3rd of April. Pentecost will always be May 29. The Day of Atonement will always be the evening of the 24th and the day of the 25th. The Feast of Tabernacles will always start on September 29th. God’s calendar is perfect. God is the perfect mathematician. He doesn’t have a calendar that is so far off that you won’t know what ais going to happen. The ancients knew their calendar very well and could plan accordingly, they knew what day certain things were going to be because they were basing it on the sun and not the moon. The Dead Sea Scrolls btw, followed the Jubilee Calendar which is similar to the one I am proposing we follow. Small difference of what they call intercalculatory days where they don’t count in between the seasons but I don’t believe that is the accurate way, but it is possible that it is. But they still have a 364-day calendar and that is why I believe theirs is wrong…that Gods is 365 days but only 360 are counted in the calendar. It is that simple.

There will be an article that will really explain it to ad nauseum…it will really explain how God planned his days and his calendar year and why it is important to understand God’s plan. Here it is in a nutshell, lets sum it up to close the show…

when you are born it represents the dawn…your life starts with a spark of life, a light source…that is the morning. As you grow older, you become a teenager. That is like noon time. Then you become an adult and you become a working adult for 20-30 years and that represents from noontime to 5 or 6 o’clock which begins evening. The evening of your life represents the evening time before you go to bed and going to bed, and to sleep, it represents what happens when you die. When you die, you go to sleep. That is the truth even though a lot of people don’t believe that and believe you go to heaven, but the Bible is clear, you die, and you are asleep. Jesus proves that when he says the little girl is not dead, she is merely asleep. The disciples start wondering why if she is asleep why do we have to go there? God clarified; she is dead. He equated death to a sleep form; it is that simple.

I am out of time today, but I will pick this up tomorrow with more about the calendar/, but this is a good time for you to see how God has His own way of doing things. Thank you for listening, I will see you tomorrow.