Friday Wrap-up with Bob: May 24 (Transcript)

This is a don’t miss 7:11 broadcast with Bob going over the headlines of the week!

The Plain Truth is so Happy That You Have Been Enjoying Bob’s Broadcasts.


Good morning! It is 7:11 AM and it is time for another Frida wrap up with Bob.

This is The Plain Truth Today brought to you by The Plain

Today’s wrap up for the story of the week, we have the Trump trial. the death of the Iranian president in the Iranian crash because of the fog, or a terrorist attack or those in his government want him off but most likely it was antiquated equipment caught in the fog which makes the most sense to me.

We had some other news of the week that I made a broadcast about yesterday is Boeing aircraft and that anything that happens to one of their aircrafts it is their fault. I think they are being set up and think that Airbus may have something to do with that. That is just my take.

This week there were many news stories of course but still the biggest news story of the week is this sham trial of President Trump. Now that they have a week off before they come back for closing arguments here the judge wanted to move things along and didn’t want DJT having any time off to go and campaign…didn’t at first even didn’t want him to go to his sons graduation but now all of the sudden he wants everyone to take off, but if he was a good judge and fair he would have closing arguments Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, then go home for the Memorial Day weekend and come back Tuesday after a few days off and start deliberating. Then they would have a guilty or a hung jury by next Friday. With this judge if it is a hung jury, he will drag it out as long as possible so Trump cannot travel very far.

When the jury is out the defendant cannot leave town because the minute they come to a decision they have to be back in court, if they find him guilty, they instantly shackle him and put him in jail. If that ends up happening that is going to be something else, and I wouldn’t be surprised in this Banana Republic we are living in called the United States of Soviet American if that doesn’t happen.

Here we have a candidate who is leading in all of the polls to become the next president of the USA, facing jail time like Argentina, or Chile, or some Banana Republic. If the American people do not have a problem with that then I don’t know what to say. This country and people are going to become slaves to this government and this government is going to increase its war upon you. It is that simple.

If you have been following on the Message Board, this week we have been doing some update with the MB that is why you see a test string on there that says we are testing some things. We have a new banner so that is a point of fact that if you go to the MB, you may see a little bit of a difference in the banner, and we are trying to update it as much as it can overall to work the best for everyone.

WE have a story that is important on the Message Board…remember the Oklahoma Federal bombing of some 20 years ago, do you remember when the bomber McVey was an ex-military guy and supposedly angry at what happened at Waco and was supposedly crazy and bombed the building and the whole face of it fell off. There was a lot of destruction and conspiracy theories…this story got my interest the other day that was talking about the FBI called Deep State Enemy of America. Here is an exurpt:

Attorney sues FBI for records for CIA assets who funded the OKC bombing. It says this attorney sued the FBI on Friday for records about a CIA asset which means someone who was helping the CIA but not necessarily employed directly by the CIA, who helped fund the bombing as well as for records on neo-Nazi bank robber gang also involved in the attack. The deadliest terror attack in US history.

 Utah attorney Jesse Trentadue sued the FBI on Friday for records about a CIA asset who helped fund the Oklahoma City bombing, as well as for records about a neo-Nazi bank-robbery gang also involved in the attack—the deadliest domestic terrorism event in U.S. history.

Trentadue has been suing the U.S. government for OKC bomb-related records for nearly 30 years, ever since his brother was murdered in a federal penitentiary. The complex story of how the death of Trentadue’s brother relates to the OKC bombing can be read in this Mother Jones article.

Trentadue’s latest lawsuit comes nearly a decade after he filed Freedom of Information Act requests for records on the CIA asset, Roger Moore (not the James Bond actor), and the bank-robbery gang, the Aryan Republican Army.

“It has now been 8-1/2 years since Plaintiff submitted his FOIA Request to the FBI and he has not received a single document,” he said in his lawsuit. According to Trentadue, the FBI could be hiding one of the biggest scandals in its history.

Indeed, the FBI’s interest in withholding records about Moore, who is now dead, could be because he was an FBI informant and CIA asset.

Roger Moore and the CIA

According to Trentadue’s lawsuit, Moore was an FBI informant as part of the bureau’s 1980s- and early 90s-era Operation Punchout, which was designed to identify and apprehend surplus dealers that bought and sold government property stolen from Department of Defense facilities in Utah. It was in the early 90s when Moore met OKC bomber Timothy McVeigh. The two would become business partners of sorts, embarking on the national gun show circuit in 1993.

In late 1994, McVeigh enlisted his accomplice, Terry Nichols—who helped build McVeigh’s truck bomb but was not in Oklahoma City when the April 19, 1995, attack occurred—to rob Moore.

Motivated by threats to his family, Nichols followed McVeigh’s orders and robbed Moore of some $60,000 in guns, gold bars and other precious metals. Investigators would later determine that the proceeds of this robbery helped fund McVeigh’s terroristic activities. Moore would serve as a government witness against Nichols, who was convicted and is now serving the rest of his life behind bars at the Florence supermax prison in Colorado. But what wasn’t publicly known at the time was that Moore was a CIA asset. Indeed, Moore was involved with a paramilitary group called the Civilian Military Assistance, which the CIA used as a proxy to skirt congressional restrictions on supporting the Contras in Nicaragua in the 1980s. Furthermore, Moore build patrol boats for use by the US Navy in the Vietnam War, as well as speedboats for the CIA, according to Aberration in the Heartland of the Real—historian Wendy Painting’s PhD thesis-turned-book about McVeigh. Moore’s shadowy intelligence connections have had researchers asking for years whether he was actually involved in the bombing, as opposed to being a hapless victim of McVeigh and Nichols’s robbery.

It seems like a lot of this that sounds like a conspiracy theories wind up having a basis in fact. I would tell you up until yesterday when I read this, I would never have known anything about this OKC bombing of 30 years ago. I wouldn’t have known anything other than it was a lone idiot who bombed the building because he was upset about Waco and now it seems like it could be some FBI CIA plot. What would be the reason for this? The conspiracy theorists give a reason that it would be a false flag incident which they believe 911 was (which I do not believe) and the guns at different schools like Newtown and Sandy Hook, that a lot of these could be lone wolves mind controlled through drugs by the CIA. We know the CIA did this in the 60s, that is what LSD was originally used for before Timothy Leery got it in the hands of college students and hippies back then, but it was a CIA drug to make people do things they ordinarily wouldn’t do.

In fact, people jumped out of a window and committed suicide or so as the family thinks, jumped out of the window. But our government really does have dirty hands. I was speaking to someone recently where I told him about the story, we run on The Plain Truth that how in the 60s the USA government bombed American cities with at first some flour to see how far Anthrax could spread in a city. It sounds harmless but they would do it at 3 in the morning from airplanes and fly over NY, Chicago, LA, etc., spreading flour. Then the scientists would see how far the flour spread and because Anthrax resembles flour, they could interpolate how far Anthrax could spread. They did this in the disguise that they were protecting us from an attack from Russia however it got worse with this bioterrorism.

In the late 50s they were experimenting with flues and trying to see if they could make a flu spread. In the subways of NYC and Chicago they spread a flu virus. There is a rock N roll song, which you have all heard, from Deep Purple called, “Rockin’ Pneumonia And The Boogie Woogie Flu”. This song is about the forgotten flu epidemic of 1958 which actually killed more Americans than did Covid. It was not as harmful as that 1969 Hong Kong flu that decimated the entire world 10 times worse than Covid every did. But it was still a major flu epidemic in America covered up by our government not allowing the press or hospitals to report flu cases even though people all over the country were getting flus and that song was a satire on this whole hidden flu epidemic. That flu according to all the research that you can do by yourself, was spread by our own government so they could see if they could spread it as a bioweapon, using us as guinea pigs.

It is not new.

You get these stories on the Message Board and even from the Main Page as well as these broadcasts…and we ahve Your Health Today…we are a place you can go to get the news that the government, big pharma, and big business as well as big media is hiding from you. Why are they hiding this from you? Because they hate you.

You just have to open your eyes to see what is happening to this society and the American workers with the democrat party and the RINO’s in the Republican party who care more about an illegal’s rights than yours. Why is it that an American can rob someone at gunpoint, goes to jail losing all of his constitutional rights and most of the Bill of Rights…and an illegal can come here by breaking the law and not even a citizen, why should they have in our courts, full rights of a citizen of the United States who never has broken the law. In many states and cities, they think these people should be allowed to vote, yet prisoners cannot vote who were born in America and are citizens but those that broke the law who are criminals themselves by nature of how they got here, you have these politicians, dems mostly, are passing so these criminals can vote.

According to every research org that is honest out there in 2020 said many illegal aliens to the tune of a million to 3 million or even more, voted for the president of the USA. That doesn’t get you upset; I don’t know what is going to on a Friday morning.

The next story I want to talk about is something my wife was talking to me about this morning. I have different clocks that I collect in the form of pocket watches and wrist watches. I have this old Waterbury calendar clock that is really unique made in the 1880’s that gives you the day of the week, the date, and the moon phase, you name it, it tells you everything you could possibly want in a clock and it is amazing the intricacies of it. We found an old clock worker to work on it. Tammy went and stopped in the other day to check on him to see how far the worker has made some strides in fixing a part of it. He is an older white guy whom she found out he is from NY state and owned a body shop; he was in the same business we make paint for. Many years ago he learned clock repair and moved to Virginia doing clocks and clock shows…so Tammy started talking to him about the Trump trial. He goes oh, he is guilty…I would vote that he was guilty. Tammy was taken aback because now she realizes he is a business man.

Many people don’t understand much about the body shop business, but most people in the auto repair business is a very conservative business. First of all, these are small independent businesspeople always under government scrutiny, under OSHA, EPA and DEQ as they are called in some states…they are picked on. The smaller the body shop, the more they are picked on. They shake down the little guys in business in order to get fines, that is their job like a tax collector. They are probably as popular as tax collectors in the Bible.

So Tammy is talking to this guy, and she says to him, “you mean to say that you think DJT is guilty?”, he confirms this. She continues, “you believe in Cohen’s testimony that he wasn’t lying when he got caught lying”…to which he said he believed 100 percent of what he said. Tammy said to herself that she better change the subject because this guy is a part of the problem. He is in his 70s, retired from the owning a body shop, not a worker but still a small business owner today and he is as bad as anything I would ever expect from the worst liberal out there that wants to see this country destroyed. So, she changes the subject and was really surprised to say the least.

This morning Tammy said, “boy, we are doomed as a country!”. I have been saying this very thing for a while and sometimes Tammy thinks I am a bit aggressive in these broadcasts when I start nailing down just how bad I think the country has become. Sometimes I think we are beyond hope. I hope that this day of prayer and fasting on June 14 called, I really hope that there are enough people in this country that believe in God and the power of prayer and believe in this country and believe that this country needs to be helped out. I hope there are enough of people out there who are willing to participate. If there were a few million out there, God may listen and prolong what is going to happen to this country that is already predicted is going to happen to our country if you know the identity of the USA in scripture. We have many shows and columns that give you the identity of America. You may be shocked to find out who we are in the Bible!

I get sort of a laugh that people who believe in the Bible called fundamentalist bible believers, when they read the Bible, they do not read the OT and do not understand that it is three quarters of the Bible and should be read and understood. You see as a result, cases where countries like Ethiopia, Egypt, Assyria, all of these countries are talked about and you say to yourself, how come the USA isn’t talked about if God knows the future? How come Germany isn’t talked about if God knows the future, England, Denmark, France, Western Europe, how come they aren’t talked about if God knows the future, China even? Russia? Japan? Think of WWI and WWII. Earth shattering events! Did the Bible predict those or talk about those? And they talk about Ethiopia? Does that make sense? Or does the Bible as the atheists believe are all just made-up stories?? Well, the Bible is 100% accurate as written by God in the original translation I mean. The Old Testament even more than the New is the Word of God! We know Jesus Christ accepted all of the OT! He read the same OT scripture that you could read today and said it was scripture. As you know, Jesus is God and part of the Godhead then HE knows what He is talking about!

Is the United States mentioned in the Bible? YES. As are all of the countries I mentioned above but most people don’t know the names of these nations. You know the Jewish people can trace their history back to Judah, they are Israelites, but they don’t own the name Israel. All you have to do is read the book of Kings and Chronicles and you will find there were two separate nations after Solomons Kingdom was divided and Israel was divided into two separate distinct nations. The nation called Israel did not contain any Jews. Did you hear what I just said? The kingdom called Judah to the south where Jerusalem was, happened to be where all of the Jewish people lived. Jew is the nickname for Judah. Israelites are not all Jews, but all Jews are Israelites.

So today, where are the lost tribes of Israel? Because we know about 711 BC, Israel was taken captivity by Syria which today is Iraq, and then later when Babylon became the world power and pushed the Assyrian people out of their region, the Assyrians and the Israelites, the lost ten tribes of Israel which makes up the tribes of Joseph, Dan, Nephtali, and Reuben, etc., all of these tribes moved to the Caucuses mountains where we get the name Caucasian, moved into what would be eastern Russia into the Danube River, the river of Dan…the Bible says that everywhere the tribe of Dan moved, they named the area after their father Dan…London is the city of Dan, Denmark, is the mark of Dan…if you want to know who Denmark is today, it is Dan of the Bible.

So, Joseph became if you follow scriptu8re and you can read this article on The Plain Truth written by me, “Where are the Tribes Today??” which you can read as I just linked it for you, Jospeh became who we know as the United States of AMerica and England. The tribe of Joseph owns the name Israel. So, every time you see a prophesy concerning ISrael in the OT it means not the Jews as that prophesy was for the tribe of Judah, when you read Isaiah for example, Ezekiel or Jeremiah, you see two sets of prophesies, one is always for Israel, and one is always for Judah. Why do the prophets separate? Because there are two distinct nations…the Jewish people are Judah and all non-Jewish Israelites ae under the lost ten tribes of Israel. Jospeh is always called Israel. So, when you see the prophesy of the destruction or the captivity of Israel that means the USA and the UK are being spoken of. We know that in the future that the USA and the UK are going to become slaves to foreigners in their own land. It is going to happen because the Bible says it is going to. This does not have to necessarily happen in our lifetime. We know that we can go tto God in prayer and fasting and ask God to deliver us like he did Ninevah with the prophet Jonah.

It is so important to know and realize that the Bible is telling us who the players are. China is mentioned in the Bible, Japan is, Russia is, Moscow, and especially Germany is. Rome as well and the Holy Roman Emptire!

But going back to my wife’s surprise about when she was talking to this clock repairman…that how liberal and how he was ready to throw Trump in jail, she was expecting the opposite from such a person and said to me she thinks we are doomed instead of thinking I am too pessimistic…I start to think we have gone so far and are doomed.

When the Titanic hit the iceberg, if it really did hit one, when it was sinking, if they could have stopped things from happening to them, they would have been more concerned about lowering life rafts right away and getting people inside of them, probably most of the people who died would not have died. There became a point where the Titanic was so listing and sinking that it was impossible to unload all of the life rafts in the water. Most broke up or fell off or didn’t get launched at all before sinking and left 1600 people on board to die in water that was 30 degrees.

Have we gotten to a point where this government cannot be brought back and are we so far gone as America becomes so dysfunctional and so evil are the people of America, so anti-God, so anti-America, and anti-everything we used to stand for that we have no hope? Democracy requires in my opinion a free minded, moral people that are industrialists. I mentioned this and this may sound racist, there is not a black ruled country in the world (!) that is a democracy. There is not a Muslim country in the world that is either. There are basically not any true Catholic countries in the world be it Spain, Italy, Greece, France, that are truly a democracy. When you look at them truly, they are communist. The only true democracy that seem to make it with what we used to call WASP countries, Denmark, England the USA, Canada, etc.,

I hope enough of us go back to fasting and prayer and that America has some time left, I hope I am wrong. I hope there is hope for us.

We appreciate that you are listening today and that you go to The Plain Truth, our Message Board, Your Health Today Online and our podcasts. Please tell your friends and family about us and thank you for doing so.

We hope you have a good and safe weekend and will see you back Monday morning at 7:11. This is Bob Barney saying thank you for listening.