The Plain Truth about The Real Jesus (Transcript)

By Bob Barney

What you will hear may shock you as the masses are being pastored in to believing in another Jesus as the Bible warns. Bob Barney’s 7:11 Sabbath Day Broadcast explains just who the real Jesus is!

Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

2 Corinthians 11:4 For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we did not preach, or if ye receive a different spirit, which ye did not receive, or a different gospel, which ye did not accept, ye do well to bear with him.

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Click Here to Listen to Bob’s Sabbath Day 7:11 Broadcast on Who is The Real Jesus!

I have a question…who is Jesus Christ…?

or I could ask you, who is the real Jesus?

Who do people think He is? Who do YOU think He is?

Who did He claim to be?

I think most Christians probably will be very surprised to know the identity of the real Jesus.

Many years ago, I became acquainted with Garner Ted Armstrong who was an evangelist of the Worldwide Church of God. At the time, I was an atheist and not very happy about hearing anything to do with religion. The reason why is because I saw most religions being opiates of the people, false, and a bunch of crooks.

I was challenged though, by a few things that I thought I knew about the Bible.

I thought I knew that Jesus Christ was born around the year ZERO and was a prophet of God and died for our sins and God the Father was the God of the Old Testament while Jesus became a God in the New Testament, replacing this mean-spirited old man who had these rules and regulations that nobody could follow.

That is what I thought.

However, after delving into some research after listening to programs that kind of challenged me to prove the man wrong, I started realizing that the Bible really has never been read by people. If you would read the verses of the Bible, just what Jesus says in RED, btw, the Plain Truth has a Red-Letter Bible on Amazon...and we have the words of Jesus in the OT in red, no one has ever done that…then you ask yourself, “how could Jesus be quoted in the Old Testament, He didn’t come around until the New Testament?”

That is not necessarily the case.

Just go to the Bible and see what Jesus Says about Himself and what HIs disciples wrote about Him.

Let’s start with the disciple John, first. “In the beginning…was the Word ”. Now there are two places in the Bible that talk about the beginning…in Genesis 1…”In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the earth…”. God in the Old Testament comes from the Hebrew word, Elohim. This means more than one being, making up one entity. The best way to explain this is to liken it to a family. You may be a part of a family…in my case, the Barney family. I am Bob Barney, a different member, but there is one Barney family. God is like that…it is a uni-plural word, meaning more than one being, Elohim…comprising the Godhead. We are going to learn that the Godhead is two…not three…not a trinity…and you are going to see this right here.

” In the beginning was the Word” and you are going to find out that the Word is Jesus Christ…”and the Word was with God”…this being called the Word, Logos in Greek, is with God. …and the Word was God”. So not only is He with God, some other being, but He is Himself, God. “He was with God in the beginning…” so there is no birth to this person…He is like God…He is God…through Him all things were made without Him, nothing was made. Now who are they talking about?

Well, if this is proper English, they are talking about the WORD that made all things. Not the God that we later find out is the Father God. The Word God created all things…”through Him all things were, without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life and life was the Light of all mankind. The l\Light shines in darkness and the darkness does not overcome it”. 

“Now there was a man sent from God whose name was John….” this is John the Baptist. “He came as a witness to testify concerning that Light…so that through Him all might believe. Now John himself was not the Light, he was a witness to that Light. The true Light that gives Light to everyone was coming into the world (Jesus’ human existence) …He was in the world and the world was made through Him, but the world did not recognize Him”. He went to His own people, and they did not receive Him. “But to those that did receive Him, He gave them the right to become children of God ”. 

“…the Word became flesh and made His dwelling amongst us… we have seen His glory, the glory of the One and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth”.

Now when you go back to Genesis and you go back to the beginning and read that it is God and that God is the word Elohim, which means a Godhead, a God family, composed of more than one. This is why, something I had never read before, that when you get to the creation of man, and God says, “let US make man in OUR image after OUR own likeness”.

Well, if there is only one God and it is God the Father…then who is He talking to? Let “US” make man in our image after our likeness. 

Now there is another thing that I learned that was quite unique about this experience because in the creation, God made the cattle after the cattle kind for example. So, when two cows mated, they made a cow. He made the muskrat after the muskrat kind. Two muskrats made another muskrat…but God didn’t make man after humankind…He made man after His own kind, in the Godkind family.

Man IS literally God in the making.  We are infants that when we are born again in the resurrection of the dead, we will become God’s true children and we will be God. 

I don’t think many people know this or understand this…or even believe this, but the promise of Jesus Christ was to make us gods. Jesus always seemed to be saying some odd things to the Pharisees at the time and they were all always ready to kill him for things He would say…

There was one instance in how they were talking about Abraham and looking up to Moses and Abraham. “Well, Abraham longed to see My day and He saw it and he was glad”. The Jews said, “Well wait a minute, because Abraham lived 2500 years before Jesus walked the earth…”Wait a minute, you are not even 50 years old and you say you have seen Abraham”…Jesus said, “Verily verily I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM…and they took rocks and stones to kill Him”. Now, did Jesus not understand proper grammar? Shouldn’t He have said, before Abraham, that I was in existence of some kind? NO, He said what He wanted to say…He said I AM.

One goes back to Exodus, and Moses had escaped Egypt, and he is living in the land of Midian. All of the sudden he sees a flaming bush. He walks up to see this great sight and from that bush comes a voice. The voice says, “Take off your sandals because you are standing on Holy Ground….Moses is about to talk to God. 

Then God says to Moses, “I am the Lord God, I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob…”. He tells Moses to go back to Egypt to free his people. He didn’t want to go back there; he would surely be killed. He actually made every excuse and lied saying he couldn’t speak well. We find out in the book of James he could speak very well. He did not want to go back to Egypt. Finally, he gives the excuse that if he goes back to Egypt, they will say that “God talked to you”…and which God, what is His name…and the God Almighty replied to Him saying, I am who I am… tell them I AM sent you.

What Jesus was doing was informing the people of His day that He was their God that they worshipped. He was the God who parted the Red Sea…He was the God who appeared in the pillar at night of fire and a cloud by day…He was the God who freed Israel, protected Israel and who later would destroy Israel. And yes, my friends, He was the God who ordered Joshua to kill every man, woman and child in the land they were going to subdue in Palestine. We all think of Jesus as this effeminate looking queerish guy with long hair that just loved everybody.

But if you read the words in the RED letters, New or Old Testament, you see a different Jesus…what I believe is the REAL JESUS. A Jesus who could really be ticked off to people who were not listening to Him and could condemn people to eternal death.

Does it make sense that He says that you are always to forgive people who do you wrong? And if you do not, you won’t be forgiven. God cannot forgive but you have to? YOU have to be superior to God? Do the things that you are taught in Sunday school even make sense? The answer is NO.

That is why I became an atheist. That is because I disproved what I thought was the God of the Bible. ..but what I actually disproved as a teenager was the church…the church didn’t teach the Bible! What is in the Bible is the inspired word of God and the God of Jesus. 

You can do all of this research…I will put some links to the places in the Bible or study notes about the topics I am bringing up, but did you know that in the New Testament, Jesus made a statement SEVERAL times that no one has ever seen God the Father at any time, not His form nor heard His voice. Then who did Moses hear? Who did Abraham hear? Abraham had a friendship with God. Abraham said he had a friendship with Him. This is the only time in the Old Testament that you hear of God being a friend.

IF you are in America today, your blessings did not come from the Founding Fathers and the Constitution…your blessings came from a man named Abraham because He was a friend of God. You are here in a world of luxury and security, at least up until recent days because of a friendship between God and Abraham. Boy, wouldn’t you all like to have that? I know I would…and I do not have it yet, but I am struggling to. 

However, you see that the God who we think of is God the Father in the Old Testament, this mean old God ordering the deaths of people, actually ordering the death of a man who broke the Sabbath day, how awful is that? Then we find out that that God is the God, Yahweh in Hebrew meaning I AM THAT I AM… this is Jesus.

Just maybe we don’t know who the real Jesus is if we come out of Sunday school classes year after year or catechisms…because they do not teach the real Jesus, nor the real God, and certainly not the real Gospel.

What surprised me most with my studies of the Bible, back in the late 1970s was how much I thought I knew about a subject I actually knew nothing about. I had never read it for myself, that is why. I had just listened to what people told me was in there. Guess what? Most of the things I was told that were in the Bible were actually not in the Bible.

Isn’t it amazing that we follow Easter…Christmas…Sunday Worship…and yet, all of them are pagan in origin. Not one of them is an official holiday of God.  Isn’t it amazing that God gives us a list of foods to eat and what not to eat? So, we take a pagan celebration called Easter, aka Astarte, a pagan goddess of fertility and what do we do? We eat pork on that day…ham dinner is for Easter Sunday in a lot of homes. Did you know that pork is one of the abhorrent foods that God says you should never eat…along with shellfish and fish that do not have scales and fins…and also the only animals you can really eat are those that chew their cud and have split hooves…like, cattle, goats, sheet, you cannot eat horses, camels, and you cannot eat pigs…they do not fit the scenario…but somehow, religion takes the most pagan things that we are told not to do and we do it in honor of God.

I had a person tell me one time, what difference does it make if Christmas is not Godly or Christian in nature and that it came from pagan sources…which it is really Saturnalia from Rome…well, again, if you do the research in any search engine, “do not do or follow the way of the heathen for they cut a tree out of the forest and deck it with silver and gold and bow down and worship it”. Does that sound like a Christmas tree to you? God says don’t do so. So, what harm is it? I will give you a human example. 

Let’s say you married a woman, and you had a child together. She happened to have left you, and took the child, she made up all kinds of lies about you. She then marries a man who is your arch enemy, someone who has tried to hurt you throughout your life at every turn, then she tells the child that he is the child’s real father. Then the child grows up believing that this imposter is his father. The child is taught all sorts of bad things because the father is a bad guy. Maybe he teaches the child how to rob banks. Every year, he celebrates this man as his father’s birthday. If you were a good man and was the true father of the child and your birthday was a different date and your child is celebrating someone else’s birthday and putting someone else in your place, you would feel very jealous. 

Did you know that God is a jealous God?

He even says, “I am jealous God and I will have no other Gods before Me”.

It is abou8t time that all of us realize that much of the stuff we are taught as children is a part of a false world paradigm that is not from God. Again, did you know that in the New Testament it is told that the God of this world is Satan the devil?  That is the truth.

You can look all of this up for yourself and you will find out that the god who rules this world is none other than Satan.

Christ came as a human being to live a sin free life which no man or woman can do to qualify to replace the devil as King of this earth. He did so and when He returns which He will do, He is coming as king of Kings and Lord of Lords and He is bringing His government and rulership with Him. He will then banish the false god of this world.

We are all under the spell of false religion.

It isn’t your fault, it isn’t my fault, you were born into it and as a child you went to church listening to people who were telling you the truth.

Look at it all for yourself, research it, don’t believe what I say…research it for yourself. Put it on your terms for yourself. Look at the article we will link to this program and see whether or not I am telling you correctly about what is in the Bible and compare this to what you thought you knew about God and what was in His Word.

I hope I get to some of the people out there who are looking and searching because there are many people who have given up on religion…have given up on Jesus Christ…and have given up on believing in God. I was there, I know what it is like.

There is no happiness in realizing that when you die you rot and go nowhere and nothing happens to you but when you find out that everything you were taught about the God of the Bible is a lie for the most part anyways, and start researching the real God and start seeing how many things were prepared for you in advance by a society that you became a Christian not because you chose to but because you were indoctrinated into a false Christianity religion. Sunday worship is false. Christmas is pagan, so is easter…God has His own holidays, Passover, Pentecost, which by the way is one the church does follow, the Feast of Tabernacles, the Day of Atonements. These are God’s holidays…especially the Sabbath day…but unfortunately Christians do not know about those days ad it does make God mad.

What we need to be trying to do no matter if this country gets out of the problems that we are in or not, we personally have to get right with the REAL GOD….

God is God the Father and Jesus the Word. That is the Godhead. The Holy Spirit is what they are made out of. Just like humans are made in Their image…male and female made out of blood…Jesus and the Father are made up of spirit, Holy spirit. There is no trinity here. The devil wants to convince you that there is a trinity because he thinks he is the third “God”…he is not, he is an angel that has been cast to this earth and about ready to have a really bad ending to the story of his existence.

Please if you do anything do not scoff at what I am saying and turn it off thinking I am wrong, please look it up for yourself. God gave you a brain. A brain more complex than any other animal…there is a reason for it. God does not want blind faith as Christians tell you He wants. He wants faith based on evidence because God knows that people who prove God is real will never reject Him when times get tough.

It is too easy to go to an altar call and call yourself a Christian and go on living your life and then when hardships come, you cry out and ask God why He allowed this to happen. That will be another show. I will show you how a God can be cruel, can order the kill of others, or not pay attention to people’s prayers. Believe it or not there is a reason why God doesn’t hear prayer. You may be surprised at why that happens because it wasn’t God who hid from man, it was man who first hid from God. Now God has allowed us to have our own choice as to the way of life we lead…our own lifestyle, leaders, laws, religion. Some put God’s name in that religion which is not His.

This is Bob Barney asking you to please go to and check out our Message Board and our Commentaries at We also have Your Health Today Online so you can see how to take better care of yourself with research to help you to live longer. God wants you to use your brain. If you get sick or let’s, say you get cancer, there are remedies God has put on this earth to cure you. Prayer alone is not always going to cure you. God wants you to act. Yes, prayer is there, I am not saying it isn’t, but He wants you to take action.

When the people were backed up to the sea and were praying to God as to what He is going to do…He said, WHY ARE YOU STANDING STILL DO SOMETHING! Moses, raise your hand!”…and guess what? The sea split and made a way for them! 

He wants us to do things and not just to worship Him because we may be worshipping the wrong God and taking action will make sure you are with the real God.

I invite you to take me up on my offer to check everything I say and show me where I am wrong. You can email me at

Thank you for listening. Goodbye.


We have included selection of excellent studies on this very subject: