Gun Control Laws Kill Honest Americans (Transcript)

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Gun Control Laws Kill Honest Americans

Guns don’t kill people. People kill people. Do you believe that?

Hi, this is Bob Barney again for The Plain Truth.

Yesterday, we listened to a 45-year-old broadcast from Garner Ted Armstrong about violence and how it starts in the home and how it has to do with how criminals were born. Well, they really are not born, they are raised by their parents most of the time. Today I wanted to go over the idea of gun control and my position, and I have written several stories on this issue, that gun control laws actually do kill innocent people. The statistics are what I want to go over.

The largest and most comprehensive ever survey of American gun owners ever conducted suggests that they use firearms in self-defense 1.7 million times a year. ONE POINT SEVEN MILLION times, in defense from being harmed. It also confirmed that AR-15 style rifles or magazines that hold more than ten rounds, frequently are targets for the gun control people. These are in common use for very lawful purposes and many use these with large capacity magazines for target practices. In fact, 64 percent say they use it for this reason. Another 25 percent use large capacity for home defense. It is believed by many of these homeowners that if someone was to enter their home to do harm, a five round clip may not be enough, so they want a larger round. The other fact that people misuse is that most violent crimes that kill people with guns buy pistols with less than ten rounds and not more than ten. It makes the headlines when you read about these people that go in with an AR-15 and shoot fifteen people, but that is infrequent. But do you know that since 1959 that all mass shootings have occurred in gun-free zones?

Not one has ever occurred in a place where guns were allowed to be open carried? That is a statistic that many people just do not understand or want to believe.

Again, another study that was reported in Investor’s Business Daily, entitled “How many lives are saved by guns and why do gun controllers not care about this fact?”

 Believe it or not, the Obama administration of 2012 did research and the CDC did this, showed an upwards that of 3 million people a year are saved from either of them having a gun, or another person comes to their defense with their gun; that statistic is quite telling.

I brought up a graph here and I want to go over this.

The number of homicides from firearms in the United States of America from 2006 to 2021 is quite revealing. In 2006, 10,225 people were killed by homicide with a gun. 2007, that was 10,129, just a few less. 2020, in the newspapers, who just loved to report on this, was the highest death rate of any year in history in the USA…that number was 13,620. 2021 that number came back to 12,500. So, let’s say an average of 12,000 people a year are killed or murdered I should say, by the use of a gun. Again, 65% according to this study was killed with the use of a pistol that contained less then ten rounds. This is an interesting fact because this is the stuff you do not realize.

Did you know that the Aurora Colorado shooter, the one that went in to the movie theatre and shot up the place, held more than ten rounds? He went by five other movie theatres that did not have a sign up that said, “guns not allowed”? He knew someone in there was probably carrying a gun, that is what he testified to.

Just the fact again that major newscasters and newspapers do not want to tell you. The people who do these shootings tend to go to places they know people do not have guns. That is what the media doesn’t tell you.

So, gun control laws and gun safe zones are really ‘free killing zones’ for the average American out there.  Take that there are about 10 thousand a year killed by a gun, 65 percent of those are used by handguns, but we just saw that the Obama Admin’s CDC said that a minimum of 1.5 million people’s lives were saved by citizens owning guns: even in their own defense or the defense of others in public places.

And they admitted that upwards to 3 million people were saved by lawful gun carrying citizens. I am going to keep reiterating these statistics.

I bet you didn’t know that. I bet you didn’t know the disparity between how many people were saved by a gun and how many people were killed by a gun. And btw, on average I believe about 50 thousand people a year are killed by a car, 10 thousand by gun murdered…accidental shootings by the way are many times the people who are against firearms and want to pass all these control measures they mention in 2018 was 228 people annually. How many people accidentally rammed their own child or wife or husband over with their car, backing out of the garage is most likely more than 228 people and yet we don’t look at a car being the same as the way we look at a gun.

When you put a teenager with a gun next to a teenager with a fast car, both are equally dangerous. So again, you have to ask yourself, are guns the problem here or are they the solution. If you go by pure numbers, and that’s what I am pointing out here, it would take the minimum of 1.5 million people saved, but 10,000 were killed by other people having a gun, I would think logically, any sane person will say, guns save more lives than they take. And that if more people owned guns, less people would die from guns. Remember, most targeted shootings, all mass shootings are done in gun free zones. If you did away with these zones, and the perpetrators know that if they entered a school for example, there may be 5 or 6 teachers with a gun or security officers had guns, I think they would not target that school.

It is amazing to me that in this county we find it necessary to put armed guards in front of courthouses, you cannot go in one without going through an airport style gun and metal detector with two or three sheriffs there watching you. You pull everything out of your pockets in order to go to the courtroom. You cannot go into Congress with a gun, congressional people can but citizens are not able to.

My point being that we want to protect our politicians and judges and corrupt legal system more then we want to protect our kids. We leave our children defenseless and think that just by putting up a sign “this is a free gun zone”, is going to protect them from someone who really wants to do harm to them with a big gun or several guns! I mean a killer could take 5 pistols in their pocket with 5 rounds each and can do a lot of damage, you don’t need an AR-15.

The fact is that if someone was coming toward me where I live with an AR-15, I would laugh because my 7-millimeter magnum would not come down before they even knew what hit them. The real assault weapons are long range rifles that can do a lot of harm from someone coming a long way off.

At close range, even Biden admitted in a previous interview that the best arms you could have with someone at your door with a pistol or a rifle is to use a shotgun.

 If you have a double barrel shotgun and there are 4 or 5 assaulters at your door, every single one of them will be disarmed instantly. So, in close range, an AR-15 does no good. In fact, the best weapon you could have is a double barreled 12 gauge shot gun. That will deter a whole lot of people from coming into your home. Nowadays you have shot guns that hold 5-7 shells, and you can pump them as fast as you want, and you can stop any intruder from coming into your home with a shot gun. Again, we do not seem to want to protect our children like we want to protect our politicians and you must ask yourself why would this be? Is it because they are the ones that make the laws and want to protect themselves but don’t give a hoot about your kids.

It seems like that to me.

Those who are passing the gun control rules and laws really are trying to protect themselves and not trying to protect you or your children. Again, I will go back, and I will say this figure a lot and bore you to death with this figure…

Obama’s CDC in 2012 said that at least 1.5 million people were saved from harm or death because of a citizen bearing a gun of some sort.  If that doesn’t make you think twice about gun ownership and what is going on in this world with guns and gun control, then I am afraid you are just a useful idiot for this government.

Gun control has an evil purpose.

Gun control and gun registration in all honesty is to find out who legally owns guns because it is never going to tell you who illegally owns guns…I would venture to say *** and I didn’t look this up statistically, but I will put my marbles on the line and bet that 98 percent of all gun violence that resulted in the 10,000 deaths a year are by illegally owned guns. Not legally owned ones. Now some of these shooters we have found out legally have possessed these guns in states that have great strict gun laws and the states that seem to not have as forceful gun laws, some of the western states especially, the murder rates are quite low.

Everyone compares the cities today to dodge city Kansas or the Old West, but I will tell you this, in the old west, every single man out there carried a shot gun, rifle or a pistol or all three. The actual violence if you take out Indian Wars, the actual violence in the west was on your TV set, not in reality. In reality, before the OK Corral, Wyatt Earp had killed one person in all the time he was a deputy in Dodge City. Think about that.

Wyatt’s choice of weapon to disarm people was his gun, but he used to knock them over the head with it and knock them out. He didn’t want to shoot and kill people! We have a term today called the Wyatt Earp Syndrome. The officer comes in with the moustache and the gun on their hip and they go around shooting people. There are bad cops, unfortunately, in fact I have a whole series on the Plain Truth Message Board on police brutality. There is one where there is a drunk in NYC that gets shot 97 times because they thought he had a gun. If that is not overkill, I don’t know what is. That is the Wyatt Earp Syndrome right there.

The fact is that where you have armed citizens where you have guns, you are safer then where you have gun free zones.

That is why I wrote this story many years ago now, we repeat it from time to time on The Plain Truth, why gun control laws end up killing more people than they intend to save.

If America was disarmed and honest gun toting citizens who do no harm to anybody but save people, didn’t have their guns, then we can assume that 1.5 to 3 million people a year would fall victim to gun violence. I would say that the deaths by guns would be in the hundreds of thousands at least if people didn’t have guns.

Then we must get back to the show we showed yesterday from 45 years ago with Garnet Ted Armstrong. Some of it was outdated but a lot of it was the case. Where do the violent gun offenders who do the murders come from? I doubt they come from (on average) upper middle-class people.  We see these stories where a kid’s father is a doctor and his mother’s a lawyer and he goes into a school and shoots ten kids and nobody can understand why. Then you see pictures of this kid and he has this black overcoat, tattoos, and he looks like a skinhead, there were telltale signs that this kid was not raised very properly.

Well raised kids in good loving family homes where there is a God present in that home, do not go out for the most part killing people.

Who is killing these ten million a year are mainly street thugs fighting amongst themselves over drugs or robbing innocent people for money to buy their drugs.  And they are born into a life of poverty, of hopeless, of no God, and no hope. They learn by watching their tv shows and movies, that their gun makes them a big man and they don’t go at first to go killing people initially, they go to rob an old couple or a grocery store.

About a month ago in a little town I have my paint plant, a couple was assaulted, and the woman was killed by a gun and the man was shot several times, but he lived. He was reported dead at first, but he lived. They were in their 70’s and well-known people. They haven’t solved it yet, but I bet it has something to do with drugs. Either family members that knew they had money in the house that needed drug money, but most likely, people just by chance looking at a house, looking at the people, knowing they were old and fragile, an easy target basically, but knowing there is enough money in that house to be able to go down to the well know drug street in town and get them. That is the simple reality of it.

But guns save many more lives than guns take.

That is a statistic you are just not going to hear on your evening news or read in the New York Times.

This one quote I read in this story from Reason Magazine, because of the large amount of people saved by guns, they pointed out a funny thing…the New York Times who loves gun control laws does not have a sign out in front of their building that this is a gun free zone. They don’t boast that no one has a gun in there. I bet you there are guaranteed security guards in there.

A while back, Tom Selleck was assaulted by an actress…he promoted gun ownership, and the story was that violence was the reason for his beliefs and that people were killing other people because of Tom Selleck’s beliefs. He asked her a simple question, “do you have a body guard”, so it was okay for her to be protected by a gun but not okay for him to be.

I do agree that guns that are illegally purchased or obtained and are illegally carried by thugs, once they are found out, should be confiscated, and destroyed. I am not against that policy at all. We must get guns out of the hands of the wrong people. The way you do that is with strict laws. You do that while being a lawful country and not a lawless country. 

Let’s get back to God here…God is a God of Laws.

There is no freedom without the Law.

These ministers who want to preach that Jesus abolished the Law are doing nothing but practicing the lawlessness that we are witnessing in this country today which is bringing this country down to its knees.

If it weren’t for the Americans owning guns, taking really the responsibility away from the police to protect themselves as you should, it is your duty to protect  you and your loved ones first because you cannot always depend on the government to save you.  But if it weren’t for these people defending themselves, their family, their loved ones, or others in public for example, we would have more gun violence then we have ever seen. Isn’t it strange that the cities that have the strictest gun control laws have the highest murder rates. They always say that that is because they get guns from states that have no gun laws and transport them illegally into the city. That is absolute bull. They get them from guns that make the rounds amongst street thugs, and they go back and forth and rob and steal a house for example then take those guns, then use them in crimes. That is never going to be stopped by any law, they are criminals, criminals do not obey the law. They obey the law of nature.

In the Garner Ted Armstrong video from yesterday called Murder Mania, if you watched it, you saw the interview how every single person admitted in jail they were not going to go into a house if they knew someone had a gun in their house. Most burglars try and go into the house when no one is there! They don’t want to go into a house where they are going to be met with a gun in their face and shot.

 Again, the more the government claims they are trying to help you by disarming you, they are lying to you like they lie to you about covid, about Vietnam, like they lie to you about Afghanistan and Ukraine. Your government lies to you. Unfortunately, too many of us have our eyes closed to it and we are listening to the wrong news.

Hopefully we will find that article and publish it again that I wrote about how gun control laws kill innocent people, and they do.  There is just nothing else that you can say about it, the facts and figures prove it. 2/3 of the respondents that admitted to owning rifles they use them for recreational target shooting, 64 percent in fact. They are not planning on going to a neighborhood theatre and shooting people up. Why shouldn’t they have the gun they want to have? They aren’t going to break the law. Its just unbelievably naïve how Americans have become.

Once again, you know you go back to the old west days, Hollywood has not done a good job promoting the old west by the way, but you go back, and the gun violence wasn’t what you saw on the TV. It just wasn’t there. Too many people had guns and shot back. So called gun slingers in the west, they shot people in the back. They didn’t go like you see on Gunsmoke and face each other out and have a shootout. That did happen but not very often.

Bounty Hunter went out to look for criminals with a 5-thousand-dollar award dead or alive, he shot them in the back. He didn’t face them and shoot them. The violence of gun deaths in the west in the 1800’s was not like it is portrayed in the movies.

The true wild west is in New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, democrat run cities! That’s The Plain Truth of the matter.

 I just wanted to just comment on yesterday’s show that I believe was excellent. Stressing, it was 45 years ago, and it is still on target for today. The featured video ended with the statement that murderers are not born to do that. They are raised in their home to do that. Most people who commit murder are from poverty stricken homes with no morals, no guidance, alcohol and drug abuse, and that is the problem. Many of the mass shooters out there, especially the teenagers that go into the schools and shoot, their problems are Ritalin and the drugs they are on and not the guns they have. These people are doctor-made addicts by giving them medicines that shouldn’t be given to them. Every case when you see these mass shootings amongst kids in schools, it is often these offenders were on mind altering medications prescribed by some psychologist or a doctor which does more harm than good.

I want you to go to The Plain Truth as we will have these stories on there, just open your eyes, again, your government today is no longer your friend. They are lying to you, they want to disarm you, and they want to turn us into a dictatorship.

What is happening is a slow progression into America being overtaken by the alien amongst us and you can read about this in your Bible in Lev 26 and Deut 28, and taking control and making sure that we cannot shoot back. There is a reason why the second amendment was written into the Constitution by our Forefathers, and it wasn’t to have a gun to go and hunt a deer; it was for self-protection and protection against your own government. They understood what a government can bring as far as tyranny goes. They knew that Americans needed to have safety net. The Bill of Rights was a safety net given by our forefathers and one of our important rights we have is the right to bear arms. The right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed. And when you pass laws infringing to own firearms you are playing into the hands of evil people with evil purposes and evil intents.  And that is the plain truth.

This is Bob Barney, running out of time today, I hope you encourage other people in your life to listen to the podcasts and visit The Plain Truth, even if you don’t agree…challenge this, we invite you to comment.

We are being lied to, but you are not being lied to by me, I can assure you of that.