Just Where did the Lost Ten Tribes End Up? Where Are They Today? (Transcript)

The Plain Truth is so Happy That You Have Been Enjoying Bob’s Broadcasts.

2000 years ago, a newscaster that we know of as Jesus Christ warned us about false Christianity. The warning was not against the devil but against false Christianity…about people who come in His name and deceive many. 

In earlier episodes I talked about the identity of many of the nations of western Europe and how it has been lost to history. We in America and many of the nations of western Europe really do not know their ancestry and where we come from. There is a reason for this fact. I think many people are going to be really surprised but The Plain Truth is about the identity of America, England, and parts of Western Europe.

Hello, this is Bob Barney. This week, for the entire week it will mainly be videos and they will be very old ones just to let you know…. maybe even tedious to a lot of younger people to watch such old black and white shows. They are from some experts on the identity of the people of the lost ten tribes of Israel and where they migrated to. We read in the Bible there was a nation of Israel that broke into two different nations. The north was called Israel, and the south was called Judah. Today the nation we call Israel is just the nation of Judah which was the southern tribes of basically Judah, Benjamin, and Levi. Those three made up the house of Judah in the south where Jerusalem and the kings were. But the kings of the north had no descendants of David of all. That northern kingdom was called Israel. Many people today unfortunately believe that Israel and Jew are synonymous. That a Jew is an Israelite, and all Israelites are Jews. That is simply not the case.

The people of Denmark do not call it Denmark, they call it DANmark. And if you ever got a product from that nation, you would see exactly what they call themselves. Why Danmark? Well, it is the mark of God. You may be surprised to know that in the Bible, in the Old Testament, wherever the tribe of Dan went, they named the area after Dan. So, you look for names of Dan and in Hebrew there is no vowel, so Dan can be Dn, Don, or Dun. The river of Dan. The Danube River, the Bible does say wherever Dan would go they would leave a mark and name it after their father or forefather Dan. It has happened in history; we just don’t know that it has happened.

Also, when we get to the New Testament. We know that a very rich man gave his grave over to Jesus when Jesus was crucified. Joseph of Nathalia was a very rich man whose new tomb was given to Christ. This was the fulfillment of prophecy that Jesus would lay in an unused tomb. In the Old Testament prophecies, Joseph of Arimathea, gave his tomb, unused, new, for Jesus to be buried in. Now many people don’t realize this because the Bible doesn’t say this, but if you investigate Jewish tradition and history recordings, it is most probable that this Joseph was Jesus’ uncle. His mother, Mary’s brother. We know from other sources that Josephus, that Joseph of Arimathea, made his fortune in the tin trade. If you go to Roman history, you will find that the roman tin mines were all located basically in Glastonbury England. Low and behold when you get into the history of Glastonbury you will find proof that the very first Christian church outside of the Middle East was in of all places, Glastonbury England. Even as far back as some of the ancient church fathers recorded the fact that before 33-35 AD, long before there were even churches in Corinth, Greece and Rome, there was already a Christian church in England.  Tradition claims that the church was founded by Joseph of Arimathea. There are historical documents that even Jesus as a boy would go with his uncle to England. There are lost years that Jesus is not mentioned. We know of Him as an infant, then about 13 years old, then not again until about 30 years old when he started His ministry. Where was he in all that time? We know that He was the son of a carpenter, but the real term means construction guy. Jesus’ stepfather, because God is His Father, his trade is what we would call a contractor. Did Jesus travel to other places? He said He was going to travel to sheep in other folds.  This week we are going to get into some of these traditions, a lot of this stuff is not biblical, it is history, but not biblical. There is nothing wrong with bringing up things that some people might have problems with, but when you see the research and the actual historical accuracy of some of these stories you must question yourself. Are they real? I concluded a long time ago, I think rationally, I am not a conspiracy kind of guy, but I believe that your mind can prove things. If you read the Encyclopedia Britannica and it is an absolute fact, some of it, yet it isn’t in the Bible. I see nothing in the Bible that talks about the law of gravity, but it still is a fact and documented. 

So you can go to extra Bible authorities to find and prove different facts and when you look into the history of many of these nations and what they believe about themselves, about what the Queen believed about herself, what queen Victoria believed about herself, I think most people would be shocked. I don’t think people realize there is a stone under the King now, King Charles, that he was crowned over. This stone is supposedly Jacob’s pillar stone. You must go all the way to Genesis to realize that Jacob lay down on the ground and took a stone and laid on it as a pillow. Seems damn odd that you would use a stone as a pillow but that is what it says in Genesis. And tradition has it that it is the very stone that all kings are crowned over for at least a thousand years. You can do all the research you want and investigate this by searching for “stone of scone” or “Stone of Destiny” and you will come up with a plethora of information. Some say it is phony and it isn’t really the stone of Jacob and other people will tell you that it is.  I believe it is. Then you have to ask yourself this question, why do modern royalty of England want that stone always under that throne whenever they are crowned. What do they think about themselves? It is important sometimes to understand if you believe things or not, if other people believe it about themselves, it is real to them. Then you can wonder, why is it real to them? You will find out. 

This week one of the people I will play the most in the videos, is a person who is probably dead today, not sure, but he made his videos in the early 60s and 70s, Ray Cat. He is not a member that I know of the Worldwide Church of God or any Armstrong religion. He was a reporter, a historian. He looked at the records of where the tribes, the lost so called ten tribes of Israel, migrated to. He has all sorts of historical documents and evidence to prove that the Assyrians, who if you really look into their history and the Roman writings of who they are, really are the modern-day Germanic peoples. They came from the Middle East. Modern Day Iraq area is where they migrated to, took Israel captive, not the Jews, but the northern tribe’s captive and about 711 to 718 BC this happened and were taken to Assyria to live. When Babylon became the leader, they pushed the Assyrian people out of the Middle East and went through the Caucasus Mountains, like Southern Russia, that is where Caucasian came from. That should be a clue, all Caucasians came from the Caucasus mountains, that bordered the Middle East to Europe, then those people migrated down the Danube River and into places of Western Europe, Germany, France, Denmark, Danmark, Scandinavia. Towns called London, Londan, all kinds of references to the tribe of Dan as the Bible predicted once again that you would find. When you go through the book of Genesis and the book of Joseph, you know, the guy with the coat of many colors, became the highest person in command of the Egyptian empire and saved the entire descendants of Jacob and all of them from famine. God had placed Joseph in authority over the Egyptians of the government where he was able to save his own people. He made a prediction, Jacob did, to Joseph’s children Manasseh and Ephraim. Manasseh was the older. Jacob promised in the inspiration of God, that these two children would become equal tribes of the 12 nations of Israel.

Joseph disappears and now Manasseh and Ephraim become two new tribes and therefore the twelve tribes of Israel became 13. We talked about this from another show. We talked about this in another show but 13 is a very symbolic number in America. Maybe that is a clue to the American identity, where the older brother Manasseh will be the most ….and that the younger son, Ephraim, would be the greatest single nation to grace the face of the earth. A promise that God made to the people of the tribe of Joseph.  Joseph was such a dedicated servant of God even in the worst of times. His two sons would become very important. Jacob said in this prophecy that he gave over these two songs that he blessed them and that they would become the two greatest nations to rule the earth. Until the end times. That the younger son, Ephraim would become even greater than the older son, Manasseh, who you can show through historical documents and where people migrated to that is really Great Britain. GB is our older brother. We know that in a way, and then you ask yourself, why is it that we don’t know this? Yet, it is not very long ago in our history that our forefathers knew this. 

I told the story about how there was a movement in the 1800’s, nothing to do with the church btw, but a movement called British Israels, where many people scholars at the time, began to realize that the English-speaking peoples and the peoples of western Europe, France, Denmark Scandinavia, and the Netherlands were the lost tribes of Israel. They proved they were, and they also concluded that God made a promise to David that they would always be an heir on David’s throne. Where did that throne go?  He was the King of all of Israel, not just the Jews, yet he was a Jew, but when they realized that the King and Queens of England were all David’s descendants and they really had Jewish origin, they thought they discovered something unknown to the world at the time. They went to Queen Victoria to tell her this exciting news that she was actually a descendant of David, and she fulfilled Biblical prophecy and her whole family did. To their surprise, she said they already knew this for forever.  That is a true story. 

So, you might think it is hogwash, but they believed it and sometimes what you believe turns out to be reality too you know? Then ask why the Jewish people know who they are and why do the Israelites people, mainly the tribes of Joseph and the ten lost tribes, not know their identity. The Bible also gives you the clue on that. God says there is an identity commandment. There are ten commandments, we know them…although people don’t like the fourth commandment which is Saturday and not Sunday, but there are ten commandments but only one of those is called a sign commandment. God said that if you observe His Sabbath that you will never lose your identity. It is a mark. A mark put on people’s hands and foreheads that they would know who they are, and the Jewish people have never lost the Sabbath day. They have perverted it by making it an evening to an evening rest, but the daytime of Saturday is still the Saturday to the Jews today, even though in God’s eyes, the Sabbath really starts at sunrise on Saturday and ends at sunrise on Sunday. The Jews never lost the real Sabbath, so they never lost their identity. 

However Israelite people, and you see this in the book of Chronicles and kings, they soon rejected the law of God and the temple in Jerusalem because they knew if the people kept going to Jerusalem to worship at the festivals that they would join the southern tribe of Judah and leave the northern tribes of Israel. They made their own capital in Samaria, their own temple, and their own holidays. Oktoberfest btw, is really the feast of Tabernacles, one month after the real feast ordained by God in the Bible. Do you want to know something? The Bible even tells you that the northern tribes of Israel made the Feast of Tabernacles in the 8th month of their year versus the 7th month. If you look at any ancient calendar you will realize that October, which is now the 10th month of the Julien calendar, was the 8th month. We all know what Oktoberfest is, but we don’t know that it was something against God. Again, this week we will get into quite a few videos and there will be videos of the identity of not only the English-speaking people and where Israel migrated to and what it means to biblical prophecy, you are also going to have a history lesson I know you never learned in school…and neither did I. But when you see the evidence, you aren’t going to be able to just poo poo it away. There is a lot of evidence that you have never been taught and you will ask yourself like I did 45 years ago, why wasn’t I taught and why isn’t this taught even as a fable!

You read Aesop’s fables in school, Greek mythology too, but never about Israelite mythology or Celtic mythology…maybe the devil who is the God of this world does not want you to know your identity. It is to be kept a secret on purpose so you won’t know that you are heirs to a promise, a physical promise made to Abraham some 3000 or more years ago, that his descendants would become the greatest nation to ever exist on the face of the earth. It happened. It happened and we don’t even know it.

So I hope you enjoy this week’s shows and do not refuse to watch them because they are technically not modern and there is a lot of bad audio and some bad video, like corny language and corny expressions that were about the 50s and such but just do some research on your own, be spurred on hopefully and you will find out that we are a different people that we think we are. We do fit into the Bible.

When I first started studying the Bible and not just listening to what people told me was in the Bible, I would ask the questions, why isn’t God who knows everything, why isn’t he able to predict the rise of America or Great Britain or France…or Germany?  But you might find out that God did predict it all in the Bible. And you can find the identities of all these people in the Bible if you know what to look for. You must find historical documents to do so. As I started this program out, I said, although it may not be found explicitly in the pages of the Bible, there are hints to the identity of these lost ten tribes and then history picks up from there.

The Bible talks about many things, but it doesn’t talk about everything, so God has given you a brain and that brain is meant to look things up yourself and prove all things and prove to see if somethings have been withheld from you and why were they withheld.

I started doing this 45 years ago and it led me to a new person, to a person I honestly didn’t want to be. It was a very tough time for me, I was a person who was a poli sci and history major and thought I had the answers to the world and religion, which I considered all fake and I believed in evolution and biology as evolution taught it, I didn’t believe in the Bible. I didn’t read it. I thought I knew what was in it. I thought I knew history, but I found out I didn’t even know history.  So, again, I am just introducing what you are going to be watching today and the rest of the week about ancient Israel, the lost 10 tribes of Israel and the identity of some of the biggest nations on earth today. 

You can go to the Bible and read the predictions and see how accurate they have been. 

I am recording this on my 42nd wedding anniversary. My wife and I got married December 17, 1981, the love of my life and so I just thought I would mention that…these shows are not about me, but I do give personal anecdote references to my past and how I came to believe what I do believe and there is a reason why I make it personal. It isn’t to be about me because this show is not about me, nothing about me, it is all about God and the news.

The average person listening, I may be right where you are now. I thought I knew so much but was wrong and challenged by a person I listened to at the time on the radio, proving all things I didn’t want to prove…I kind of switched the channel and didn’t want to hear them anymore. But eventually I found myself realizing that it was The Plain Truth. I ended up with that person at a very low time in my life. The same month in December in 1978 before I became a believer in what I believe today. I met that man and realized that person changed my life forever. That person’s name was Garner Ted Armstrong. One of the smartest people I ever have known. I cannot hold a candle to his intelligence or his presence on radio and television. The man was a genius and like no other before or after him.  I am not trying to copy him, but I do wish I had his natural ability that I do not have. But it is my anniversary today and I thought I should mention to you that people can still stay married for 42 and work through all their problems. I love my wife as much today, and she loves me as much today as we ever did.

But going on to the end of this broadcast, I want to ask you to go to The Plain Truth every day and read the front page as there are usually 5 or so news posts a day and there is a link to the Message Board where there are more news stories which other people post and put up, not just us, a lot more discussion goes on over there, what’s going on in books and movies and movie stars lives and politics…the bogus Trump trial and stuff like that is all on the message board. You will find a lot of information there as well as Your Health Today which can help you with some medical problems you might have or medicines you aren’t supposed to take or some you might need to take. It isn’t sponsored by any big business or big pharma. We don’t get any dimes from anyone else; it is all on our dime. We do this out of our home and in the form of a tithe. Again. I do hope you tune into these broadcasts and tell people you care about our site. Especially this week. It is riveting. 

Give it a chance with an open mind, and maybe you will be like me, you don’t want to believe all of it, but you are going to have to ask yourself why did I not know this? Why didn’t my schools even mention this? Who are the Anglo Saxons, the celts, the people of France, or the people of Danmark and what is their history? The Netherlands? Is there a Bible reference to the people of the Netherlands who built dikes to keep the sea away from their farmlands and you believe it or not, you are going to find a lot of this stuff in the Bible. I think you will have some information that you will at least be amazed at as I am to this day. I get chills when I think of some of this stuff that I have learned and how it is connected to our God. 

I hope you listen with an open mind. Thank you again for listening to this broadcast! This is Bob Barney saying Thank you for listening.