Monday: Boy we need God’s Help! (Transcript)

By Bob Barney

The Plain Truth is so Happy That You Have Been Enjoying Bob’s Broadcasts.

2000 years ago, a newscaster that we know of as Jesus Christ warned us about false Christianity. The warning was not against the devil but against false Christianity…about people who come in His name and deceive many. 

Click Here to Listen to Bob Barney’s Monday Broadcast Boy Do We Need God’s Help

Good Monday morning, this is Bob Barney with The Plain Truth Today Podcast brought to you by The Plain

Are you tired of the violence and corruption and evils that you see around you? Well, chances are you are not alone. I think many Americans see the same problems and wonder where it is all going to lead. I want to go to scripture and see if this does not ring home. Reminder, I have told you before in prior broadcasts that the ancient nation of Israel was comprised of13 tribes. They were all sons of Jacob who was just renamed Israel. The name Israel means he fought with God and won…well, God let him win, but he won…it was a real wrestling match! But when we get to the prophets in the end times and predictions in the Bible, they equal up to 3/4 of the Bible…some say 2/3, but it is up to 3/4 of which the major and minor prophecies of the Bible are yet to occur. The few prophecies that already have occurred prove the accuracy of the prophesies…but in Jeremiah, I think there is something that most people are not familiar with in regard to the Old Testament, or maybe just do not know flat out, and that is that America, and England, and the other countries where there are English speaking people, are from the tribe of Joseph. Denmark is from the tribe of Dan; Nephtali is the nation of Holland and the Netherlands…France is the lost tribe of Israel named Reuben in your Bible…

There is a very important prophecy to point out in Jeremiah 5, and it is when God is speaking to Jeremiah and Jeremiah is speaking to God about a time coming for the land of Israel (Our people today), I don’t believe many people can say this has ever been the case when it comes to America…when you go back 75 years ago, there was violence and murder in America, riots as well from time to time, but not wholesale injustice…not wholesale corruption and evil….not everyone was trying to harm their neighbor like we are seeing today…

so…Jeremiah says in this particular passage, “Patrol the streets, look around, take note, search the market squares, (like Walmart and Target), see if you can find one man, one woman, a single soul who does what is right and tries to live a true life…”. God says He wants to forgive that person, but people say as surely as their Lord lives and do nothing about it, all they are is a bunch of liars…

Jeremiah responds, “God you have an eye or the truth, don’t you? You hit them hard, but it doesn’t faze them…you discipline them, but they do refuse correction, they are hard-headed and harder than a rock…they will not change. And I said to myself, well these people are just poor people and they do not know any better. They were never taught anything about God and never went to the prayer meeting…I find some people from the best families, and I talk to them…they know what is going on the way God works…they all know the score, but they are no better off, they are rebels too. They are off doing their own thing. The invaders are ready to pounce and kill, (the invaders are pouring over the border right now, and may are terrorists invading this country much like the Huns had invaded ancient Rome and destroyed it and not stopped from coming in) …they are like panthers on the prowl…the streets are not safe anymore, and why? Because the people’s sin is piled sky high, and their betrayals are past counting…why should I even bother any longer”. God responds, why should I even bother any longer your children wander off leaving Me… taking up with their own different gods, (what are idols today? Some people make their cars or their iPhone an idol, etc., there are many that separate us from God, because God doesn’t want anything in between any between God the Father and Jesus Christ and us) …I satisfy their deepest needs but still go off with their sacred whores and they leave me while they are standing next to the sex shrines…a bunch of well-groomed lusty stallions, each one pawing and snorting at their neighbors wife (adultery is prevalent today)…do you think I am going to stand by and do nothing says the Lord…do you think that I do not take these measures seriously against the people that do these things? You have eyes that do not really see, ears that really do not listen, (sounds like the Simon and Garfunkel song)…go down to the rows and the vineyard and rip out the vines but not all of them, prune them back…(he is saying get rid of them that have bad growth and leave the good young growth alone)…the growth didn’t come from God that you are pruning, they have betrayed God over and over again, the Jewish nation (JUDAH) and the Israelites“. 

Notice in the Old Testament by the way especially after the kingdom of Solomon, that Israel breaks into two distinct nations. The kingdom to the south, which included Jerusalem, was controlled by the nation called Judah; Judah is predominantly the Jewish people of today…however there were some Jewish people from the Levites and the Benjamins…but this is mainly pointing out that the modern-day Jews are not Israelites. The Jewish people do not have the right to the name Israel, it belongs to the tribe of Joseph.

There is more detail on this topic in another broadcast that I have done, but when Jacob came to Egypt and blessed Joseph’s two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, he said let my name Israel be upon these two lads…well these two lads have a prophecy that Jacob gave to those two sons saying that the younger son would be the greatest nation to ever exist, and that the older brother would be the greatest colonizing nation to ever exist. It is VERY easy to see and if you believe in God and you believe in prophecy…if you believe that the Bible is the Word of God and you can see all the fulfilled prophecy that has come true…that the son that got to be the greatest nation is America, AKA EPHRAIM (England though thinks they are Ephraim, and the older brother being Manasseh is the one that actually is the greatest coloring nation…just think about that and do some research for yourselves…it is quite possible to be born into a readymade world that has wrongly decided that England is Ephraim and America is Manasseh…(I think we are going to do more shows on this topic)…

I think many people out there who poo poo the idea that the Bible is actually history, are going to be surprised that the Bible’s history is more accurate the anything that scholars have come up with.

In fact, there are entire kingdoms and kings and cities that are only mentioned in the Bible that for years were considered made up and did not exist. Yet every one of those places, kings have been discovered through archeology…we saw a program this last Sabbath day, which is Saturday, the 7th day by the way, but the video featured an archaeologist on the podcast explaining all of the archeological proof of the Bible…

but going back to this, we see that God is talking about two distinct people, the people of the end times, the people of Judah which are the modern-day Jews and the people of Israel being the Lost Ten Tribes that were conquered by Assyria, taken through the Caucasus Mountains, and brought into western Europe by the Assyrians. The Assyrians by the way were kicked out of their land by the Babylonians; the Assyrians are none other than the Germans.

In the Bible there is only one people that called their homeland “The Fatherland”, instead of the Motherland; that is Germany. Most nations consider their homeland to be feminine.  We consider the USA as a “HER”, we consider her as a motherland. England the same, most of the world the same…but Germany considers their homeland as The Fatherland, as did the Assyrians. That is another proof that they the Assyrians are the Germans of today. They brought the Lost Ten Tribes with them and each of the tribes settled in their own regions.

 One of the clues of the Bible proving itself as accurate and true is in the book of Genesis…you can trace wherever the Tribe of Dan had gone in migration that they would name that place after their father Dan. You can start in eastern Europe. First note that the Tribe of Dan is a part of Lost Israel, the nation being the tribe of Dan…so the Dnieper River, (notice since there are no vowels in Hebrew, that is why it is spelled that way), the river of Dan, the Danube River…all because the Tribe of Dan’s people settled in such places.

Did you know that if you get a product from Denmark, if you pay close attention, you will notice how they spell their name…it is not spelled DENmark, as we spell it in America, it is spelled DANmark because that is what they call themselves. So, it is important before we go on that you take note about the crime and the corruption that is going on, that there are two kingdoms that God is talking about when it comes to end day prophecy, when the Bible talks about modern day and talks about a future time of deliverance…there is a kingdom of Judah which is the modern day Jews and the kingdom of Israel with is the USA, England, Scotland, Ireland, France, the Netherlands, Scandinavian countries such as Denmark, Norway and Sweden…all a part of Lost Israel. I hope this is starting to make some sense.

But He goes on to say in Jeremiah 5:15 “Attention I bring off a far off nation against you oh house of Israel, a solid nation and ancient nation, a nation that speaks another language…you will not understand a word they say and when they aim their arrows at you, you are dead, they are a nation of real fighters (the Germans), they will clean you out of house and home, rob you of your crops and children alike, feast on your sheep and cattle and strip your vines and fig tree. Even then, as bad as it will be, it will not be the end of the world for you when people ask why our God gave us over to all of this crime and corruption, you must say to them, this is back on you because of all the foreign gods and idols you have put before me and the disobedience that you showed me. So tell the House of Jacob this…(remember Jacob is another name for Israel, because Jacob was renamed Israel, so sometimes called Jacob sometimes called Israel, but when you see the two, think of this…they are talking about America, England, the Western Europeans like France, Denmark, etc. as I have listed above)...put out a bulletin also in the land of Judah (the modern state of Israel, or you can say the Jewish people worldwide), listen to this you scatter brains, with eyes that see but do not really look, with ears that hear but do not really listen, why don’t you honor me, why are you not in awe of Me, yes it is Me that made the shorelines that contain the oceans water, I have drawn a line in the sand that cannot be crossed, waves roll but cannot come through the breakers that I have made from time immemorial, how can we honor God with our lives, the God that gives us rain in both spring and autumn, who maintains the rhythm of the seasons who sets aside the times of the year for harvest and keeps everything running smoothly for us. How can we stand against this God and not listen to Him. My people say God are infiltrated with wicked men (that is what we have today leading us) unscrupulous men on the hunt, setting traps for the unsuspecting, their victims innocents are men and women, their house are stuffed with ill-gotten gains, (ask Joe Biden where he got his hundreds of millions  of dollars from when he received only government salary his entire life) like a hunters bag full of birds pretentious powerful and rich, hugely obese, oiling with rolls of fat, worse they have no conscience, right and wrong mean nothing to them. (We see these leaders today especially in politics in Washington DC and last week I did a show on politicians which is really a show on the best liars of the world…they have no conscience as they do not know the difference between right and wrong, they don’t care).

Going back to some of what I wanted to stress from scripture, God asks us if we think He Will stand by and do nothing about this? He asks, don’t you think I am going to take this seriously against the people that act like this? What is happening against this country? says the Lord! The ministers preach lies, and the priests hire them as their assistants, and my people seem to love it. They eat it up. But what will you do when it is time to pick up the pieces because God is going to allow us to utterly fall.

Last week, I talked about a new website that I am actually backing, it is not a part of The Plain Truth, but it is a charge that the editor of The Plain Truth has come up with…the website is,

The intent and charge Jennifer is putting forth is about asking the people of America to come together and pray and even fast on behalf of our country, this next election as well…but I stand beside this endeavor because I still believe there are millions of Americans who do cry and they do suffer because of what they see…and they know God is real and they understand the real living God and they understand that we are a nation in rebellion…they know that we have turned our back on God and also understand that God is soon going to turn His back on us if we do not repent. I believe that if we do not go to God in a fast and in prayer, asking Him to heal this nation…then that is an act of disobedience…as we are called to do these things because God has told us to do these things and He will then heal out land. So, that is what that website is about and that is what this broadcast is about.

There is no justice in the land of our courts, (and this is from the Bible folks) the courts are filled with innocent people, widows and orphans who get zero justice from the judges who are corrupt, who take bribes from other rich people to make sure the courts go the way the rich want them to go.

We used to have a court system that protected the little guy from the big guy, even when the worst times happened in this country, American citizens could always depend on the courts.

Maybe not the lower courts, maybe the first two or three courts in the local state governments were corrupt as well, but by the time you got to the federal courts, especially the Supreme Courts, justice was found for most Americans, no matter how rich or poor they were. That is not the cas now…

Case in point is Donald J Trump.

Anyone who is fair and anyone who has any inkling of what is right and what is legal and what is considered, ‘legal precedence’, understands that the decisions being made by the courts against Donald Trump smack of bias and corruption. They are fining him hundreds of millions of dollars based on people who lied in court…he is being prosecuted in Georgia by a women prosecutor, Fani Willis, who was not only having an illicit affair with another lawyer but she hired him to help prosecute a case while she was having sex with him, paying him to work 24 hours a day…boy, he worked 24 hours a day!…he was a regular superman, he could work 24 hours a day or at least he BILLED you and me and the citizens of this country for 24 hour days of working, weeks at a time…at an approximate total of 670 thousand I believe, at least that was the last amount of money he made in half a years’ time…total corruption…corruption at the highest levels, corruption that goes all the way to the White House, much more than Richard Nixon could have ever imagined in the 1970’s.

We got rid of the most popular elected president in the history of America to this day when we got rid of Nixon for NOTHING compared to what the Biden Administration has done! 

If you go back to whom I call, KING George Bush the 2nd, Barack Obama and Joe Biden, you have three people, (notice I mentioned two parties here), George Bush and Barack Obama and Joe Biden, all are traitors to this country. When you make deals with countries that are potentially our enemy…Bill Clinton can be thrown into this btw, who sold our ports to China on the west coast, who sold military information and technology to the Chinese and got hundreds of millions of dollars back for his library and for the Clinton Foundation from the same people he was selling this country out to. Bush did the same thing, Obama took it to a whole other new level of corruption, and his vice president Joe Biden, invented a brand-new book I would like to call, Corruption One Point Five (!) because his corruption surpasses that of all the other three put together. They have made hundreds of millions of dollars based on a salary that never achieved more than 150 thousand dollars a year.

And you know what is a product of this corruption? VIOLENCE. If you happen to be focusing very myopically on your work and life, I suggest you begin to pay attention to this violence…you are seeing people around you being killed…children around you being killed, women being kidnapped, raped and killed. You are seeing violent crime everywhere, not only in the cities and the ghettos (which we expect more so) but now also in the suburbs; all the way to Main Street, Wall Street, you name the street, it is a fact that crime and corruption…. just pure Satanic evil reigns. 

Everybody sits there and wants to talk all day long about this celebrity, or this singing sensation and all they are, are satanists, glorified people who practice Satanism. Taylor Swift, you read everything about her, she is doing satanic songs, satanic verses, satanic gestures; Satan is her controller.

The world today is following the ways of evil. We don’t think that God is going to have a problem with that, and that God isn’t going to come and do something about that? Well, if that is so, then He owes an apology to Sodom and Gomorrah. I don’t believe God is going to be sending an apology that way, but I do believe He is going to send a whole bunch of Sodom and Gomorrah type epidemics on this nation if we do not as a people, millions strong that is, go back to God in prayer and fasting and ask God to forgive the sins of this country. We need Him to miraculously heal this country from what is happening. 

Yes, there is no Law, no justice in the court system…no justice! And DJT is finding this out firsthand…if DJT with the millions of dollars he has cannot get a fair trial, in any court so far that he has been in, how do you think YOU are going to ever have a fair trial? Do you have that kind of money to hire a lawyer? That must cost millions of dollars a year what he is paying. Anytime the government wants to turn on you, they are going to drive you broke.

You know, I listen to these pundits on these liberal mainstream media outlets say, “oh this Trump supporter and that Trump supporter pleaded guilty because they were guilty”…NO, it is because they couldn’t afford to fight the charges any longer! They are not guilty. The government is the biggest mafia organization in the world, and they ran them out of money, and they had to do something to stay out of jail! They agreed to plead guilty even though they weren’t guilty. If anyone knows anything about the court system. If anyone knows anything about backroom deals in order to not go to jail. Then you know the government wields power that is just unconscionable. 

I believe it was Neil Boortz many years ago, that compared the modern-day FBI in government to the mafia except for one fact that separates the two…what the mafia did was illegal, and they could be put in jail…if they shook people down for money and if they killed somebody because they did not toe the line, they’d get put in the slammer so fast. I think about how this poor lady on January 6, Ashli Babbit, was killed by a ‘police officer’ who was in no way in any harm from this woman…took aim and shot her dead. If this was some mobster though, they would have been put in jail shooting an innocent person dead…or even just for shooting someone they thought they did not like.

So, what the mafia gets put in jail for, our government employees get pensions for. 

Yes, the government today has become just like the mafia with one difference, what THEY do, THEY have made LEGAL.

It is time that we as a people start to wake up and realize we are losing our rights for free speech, to say what we want to say, losing our rights to be a free mobile people to go wherever we want to travel…losing our rights to bear arms, losing our rights of free speech, and even our rights to religion, imagine being a Jew today, get on a college campus and see if your Jewishness is going to be accepted. This has been unheard of in my life until now. For a Jew today, they have about the same welcome in most places as they did in Nazi Germany…and this is supposed to be America where people have a right to believe in who they want.

I am asking my listeners out there to understand that there is no justice in the court system today, no justice at Capitol Hill…no justice amongst our politicians, keeping in mind there is no justice but that from God…and if we do not invite God in to take over, then we are doomed. We are seriously doomed.

If I am correct and I do not want to be, but if we are doomed, we are going to see a mass election of a bunch of democrats this November and we are going to see the end of America as you know it. America will then fulfill prophecy by being controlled by the alien amongst us. Go to Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 and read the entire chapters of each of them, see if it doesn’t mirror the cursing’s that God gave to Israel and if that does not mirror what we are going through today. I think my friends, you will find out when you read it you will be shocked to see that every single warning some 3000 years ago or more, are still happening today to us because that old prophecy was meant for our day. It was meant for anytime; any person turns away from their God. 

That is all the time I have to talk about how much we do need God’s help today. I am worried about the justice of our land, the direction of our courts, the freedom and the liberty that so many people fought and died for and for the fate of our nation…I worry for the plight of our middle class and the lower-class people…for what is going to happen if communism takes over this country…I do know enough to know about communism that our freedom at that point will be lost for good and it is not a pretty picture without our freedoms.

I hope and I pray you go to… and you understand that the only hope you have is not in even your vote as it may not be counted, your only hope is that there is a God whom is who He claimed to be…that if you turn to Him in repentance in mass, He says I will protect my people again and forgive their sins and heal their land. THAT is what we need to have happen in this country.

Until tomorrow, this is Bob Barney from The Plain Truth, please tell your friends about this show, and God Bless You!