The Plain Truth about Today’s Politicians… (Transcript)

By Bob Barney

How can you tell if a politician is lying to you – watch for their lips to move….

The Plain Truth is so Happy That You Have Been Enjoying Bob’s Broadcasts.

2000 years ago, a newscaster that we know of as Jesus Christ warned us about false Christianity. The warning was not against the devil but against false Christianity…about people who come in His name and deceive many. 


In yesterday’s broadcast I talked about what Patton said was the lowest form of life in the world, he said politicians and that the lowest form of politicians are democrats.

This is Bob Barney from The Plain Truth Today Podcast, welcome to our broadcast today on Wednesday. I wanted to get into what makes a politician a politician today. Politicians have been basically the same for many years because even when you go back to Will Rogers in the 1930’s who was a famous comic commentator. He talked mainly about culture and politics and peoples, making it humorous. He said, “I never met a man I never liked”…I say to that, well you haven’t met Hillary Clinton.

He also had a statement that says that Congress is the best political body in the world that money can buy. so, for long-time politicians were for sale. 

You know, when I first moved to Virginia, running a paint company for someone else, we also got into local racing, stock car racing as advertising…it really helped us out. But I used to make a joke because I did go to school for political science, and even though my wife and I own a paint company, my degree was not in chemistry. I have learned everything in the paint world by trial and error and a lot of mistakes and a lot of money. I think I can hold my own though with any chemist today with definitely those in the automotive paint business…but in school, at the time, I still think I was the youngest republican to hold office in the state of Connecticut. I think that was only because I was fortunate enough to be under 21 having my first position which lowered the voting age to 18…it wasn’t because I was something special, it was fate of timing I suppose. 

Going back to the idea of what I went to school for being a poli sci major student, I wanted to make a life in politics. I wanted to do what was best for America. I was a patriot even before I believed in God at the time as I was an atheist…but I had a very hard, even brutal education about politics and what it is to be a politician. I found out really quickly that most of the time political parties, not caring if it is republican or democrat, really do not want to see you succeed if you don’t need them.

If you succeed on your own and you start having a following, that actually scares the heck out of them because they want to be able to control everyone in their party and this is why people like Ronald Reagan or Donald Trump scare the heck out of their own parties. It is because they are people who are self-made and in DJT’s case, a self-made billionaire, affording anything he wants…but these are the people that the people in power in the political parties are in fear of; it is because they don’t need the party and the party wants to control every aspect of your lives to control. I saw the controls being levied on me back in the 1970s and I wanted out. I got out. I got out in a very quick way when I realized what it was to be a politician. I was getting into the racing idea, making a joke saying that racers like politicians had nothing in common, they were like the television evangelist. They always had their hand out looking for money. They are always looking for sponsors to keep their racing career going. It is actually like their drug habit is racing and they need money just like an addict need in order to continue to race because most racers do not have their own money on their own to finance it themselves. They need constant donors. Same with politicians. They are not usually rich on their own, but they become rich when they become politicians like the Bidens, but they always have their hands out like a race car driver. They are always looking to sell their soul for a dollar to get re-elected. Much like TV evangelists which I think is maybe a lower form of life then politics and unlike what Patton said…unlike politicians, the Evangelistis use God to make their money They are crooks. There are few evangelists I would ever allow to step foot in my house or give a dime to.

When you have a profession of selling God to little old ladies and older men basically that is what they are looking for…people who are desperate for help and you are selling God for money, you are like I said, the lowest form of life on this earth. God really is going to get even with those people at a time to come. God is not for sale. Anyone who makes money off God, deserves the reputation that will come from God. This is why The Plain Truth does NOT take advertisement money. You will never hear me say that I need your money or that I will even accept your money> If you ever sent me a check it would be ripped up and sent back to you or a pictu8re of it would be emailed to you if we knew your email. We do not accept money; we won’t take it and we do not take advertising. If you see something being advertised for free because we believe in something…the only advertiser, we have and the only money we have comes from our paint company. I look at this company as generating money so that I can run this website and we do it on a very tight budget because I am not a rich man. This is my dedication to God to try and get out the message of God. The Plain Truth is what we are putting forth about what God is doing in this world to try and convince people that the way of the world is the way of the devil. This is Satan’s world, he is in charge of this earth because God allowed this even before man was created…unfortunately man was not able until Jesus Christ became a man, He is the world GOD of the Old Testament, the spokesman of God, and of the Godhead. Until Jesus came to earth as a human being, no man was able to replace the devil because of the fact that every man sins. Christ lived a sinless life. Because of this HE proved that humanity with the Holy Spirit could live a sinless life and therefore our excuse for using the devil as the reason for our failure, Christ kind of proved us wrong. At the same time as this because He created all things, HIs death absolves us of our guilt. We should be eternally grateful for the gift that God gave us through His death and resurrection for the hope of eternal life; a hope we don’t have yet contrary to what you have been told.

Going back to the main subject, politicians next to evangelists are probably the lowest form of life on earth. One has to be very careful of politics and what they stand for and what they are all about. This is very simple, a very simple notions…if you don’t’ listen to anything else I say about them listen to this…politicians are greedy, for themselves for the most part, they are always looking for money in order to be reelected, so they are for sale to anyone who’s going to offer them money. You have a rich person; you are George Soros for example you are going to buy as many politicians as you can, and they are going to do your bidding…they sell themselves. Soros has financed probably more democratic politicians and many republican RINOs than any other person on the face of the earth that is why the democratic party has morphed into this communist, liberal, evil party, the party of Death. They are the party of Abortion. They are the party of euthanasia of killing elderly people when they get old. The party of healthcare that favors one group over another group. One race over another race. The party of absolute antigod, antipeople. That is the democratic party today and the politicians of the democratic party are the lowest form of politicians and next to them are the RINO’s. They are really democrats running in republican districts which is why we call them RINOS, republicans in name only. That is why they agreed with Nancy Pelosi’ and the Chuck Shumers of this world, they care not a whit about you, your family, or your country. They only care about themselves and what they can steal through bribes and what they can take home for their own families. They live a life that they think you do not deserve to live.

There was a story one time, I believe Rush Limbaugh is the one who told this story of when Hillary Clinton was in the house as first lady, that when she walked down the hall, she expected people to hide behind curtains, so she did not have to see them. If you made eye contact with her even if you couldn’t hide behind a curtain and she walked by you and you looked her in the eyes, you would be lambasted by her or be outright fired.  The Secret Service even hated her guts to be honest. Anyone who worked for her hated her because she was an evil bitch.  That is what Hillary Clinton is. The typical modern-day democrat. Gone are the days o the democrat and I do not like this guy’s policies but I think he was a patriot when it came to WWII, Franklin Delanor Roosevelt at least knew how to portray himself, he was a multi-millionaire, but he at least had the brains to be able to show the poor people he was like them. Whenever you saw Franklin Roosevelt have a picnic at the white house or any place that he went, he would be eating hot dogs because Americans were forced to eat cheap foods during the Depression. You never saw him at a function having caviar for example, or roast beef, or Prime Rib or the fanciest teaks. He ate French fries and hot dogs. He understood at least the plight of the poor people of America that were facing this depression. One quarter of Americans were out of a job and people were in bread lines begging for food. Depending upon not the government, that idea of welfare was brought in by him at a certain point, but if you were a poor American at the time and you lived a hard life, not having very much, and you saw him as your friend. You saw him as a person who looked out for you and found you a job. 

The government started hiring people in projects, that is how many of our road systems in America were made, like the Blue Ridge Pkwy. Made by people out of work where the government gave them jobs in order to make money and to survive. So, if you grew up poor like my father did during the Depression. I mean, his father died when he was 12 years old and had to leave school. He and his brother and sister became slaves for a farmer in Connecticut. They worked for room and board and for very few pennies a day. Not even allowed to celebrate Christmas, which turns out to be a good thing if you know anything about Christmas, but he had to stay in the kitchen and watch from a distance the farmers’ children because they were not worthy. So, if you were my father and you were poor and worried about where your next meal was coming from and saw a president eating hotdogs and understanding you…offering you a job paid by the government, you would have thought this guy was a pretty good guy. My father was a lifelong president and never would talk against Roosevelt his entire life because he saw him helping people out. That is not the democrats today. They want to see you poor and suffering, see the black people be dependent on them and see all people, especially women, depending on them. Just to get their money and their vote. They vote more than their money because their money will come from big business and big pharma. That is who they really are beholden to, not the people that vote for him, they actually hate the people that vote for them. That is why Hillary Clinton demanded people not look at her. She despised the people that even worked for her. Think about that for a minute. Do you want that person as president? 

I will give you another story that the mainstream media has not reported, and I will admit Fox News did at one time but don’t think they really do this anymore, but DJT for example was the exact opposite and many people, workers I mean of Trump’s construction sites would tell a story…steel workers and hard hat people, how DJT would talk to the ordinary worker out there and ask them what they thought about this or that. They were asked about the economy or politicians, and he listened to them. He was like one of them, even though he was a billionaire. Many of the people that you hear that interacted with DJT the businessman, thought he understood their plight. To this day, DJT is not anti-union. I have to laugh at the unions, like the United Auto Workers are backing, or at least the leadership is, backing Joe Biden who wants to see illegal aliens cross the border by the millions and Chinese goods put American union workers out of a job.  And yet they still support Biden because union leaders are evil democrats themselves. The union leaders are about as low of a form of life as a politician. But the idea of a union leader supporting Joe over a man who has supported unions and paid union wages his entire life having no problem with unions in his business practices, you would think he would get the support of the unions.  You must understand politics to understand why. It has nothing to do with realism. It has to do with what is best for them and what is going to make them the most money. They are an evil, soulless group of people.

There are exceptions to this. I cannot name a democrat right now. That is an exception right now. There may be one or two out there. I can, however, name a couple of Republicans that are believers in the cause, Rand Paul comes to mind. He really is not a true politician. He is a doctor, a medical doctor. He had a career in politics, and he understands the world. Ben Carson is another doctor, one of the most incredible neurosurgeons for children in the world. He understands as he came out of poverty in the ghetto, started with a life of crime and his mother turned him around. He is the epitome of the integrity of a human being, not just a black human being, but a human being. If I had a choice who DJT should choose it would be Ben Carson as VP. He honors the 7th Day Sabbath and the Holy Days plus the Ten Commandments, so he is a godly man, but he also understands God’s Sabbath Days. I would support Ben Carson all day long to be VP of the USA and to be president one day. He has all of the qualifications; he is a smart man and a moral person. I cannot name a democrat that I can put there. I will say that Marjorie Taylor Greene makes mistakes that a non-politician would make and that is refreshing in a way, she does work hard for the American people. I do not think she is a soul for hire like her counterpart is. Many people like Matt Gaetz…I wouldn’t trust him with my daughter, but I also would never trust him with anything or in anything that has to do with my money or my career. In my opinion, he does more harm to the Republican MAGA movement yet he claims he is for it but he is a liar in my estimation…like any RINO Republican. He brought down the speaker of the House and destroyed the Republican support of the average American out there who saw the Republicans as a bunch of crying backstabbing cannibals. I did a show on that btw, that they eat on their own. Gaetz should have been censured and thrown out of the party! He is just a total fraudster. He is in a district that is safe, so as long as he has an R by his name, he could be Satan the devil and elected.

Unfortunately, there are districts that are safe for democrats, for republicans and therefore you get lousy representatives from those areas. Nancy Pelosi was actually right about AOC when she said you could take a Coca Cola poster and put a D next to its name and it would be elected in her district; that is the truth.  If anyone is ever going to beat AOC in an election, it will be another dem, it will NOT be a republican and it will happen in the primaries, not in a general election. She will get 80 percent at that point. She could actually get on TV and say that she wants to see everyone that voted for her die and take all of their money from them, and she would still get elected. They don’t even listen to what she says. A politician has their hands out looking for money, they are beholden to the rich people that give them the money, not beholden to you, not to any God because you cannot really believe in God no matter what you say. Nancy says she herself is a great Catholic. You cannot really believe in God and believe in the wokeism and nonsense that they spew. 

I can’t stand listening to these people on TV. I see Biden and I turn the channel, same with Pelosi. I don’t even listen to the news programs anymore because it’s all propaganda from WOKE media and I don’t care if it is CNN, ABC, CBS or Fox. Even Newsmax you can see through if you look. They are saying they are the new Fox and the new representative of you and I but then they talk amongst themselves, and they are a bunch of frauds too. There are some that are not. They tell you about watching the Superbowl and what they thought about it and how great it was and then you realize when they let their guard down, you are seeing what they really are too. They are a lot like politicians. They are on Newsmax because they cannot get on CBS or other affiliates of the like. They act more conservative than they really are. They can change their spots which a leopard cannot do. Overnight. Became what they need to be so they can make a living.

They are frauds.

I am afraid that too many of us out here who are working really hard each day, trying to make a good living for their families and put up with what their politicians do to them, unfortunately look up to these people and think these people for the most part is good when they are evil.  I remember a man who was my father’s boss, my father btw was a foreman at the Nestle Company and his boss, a man named O’Connor, a decent good man, a strong Irish Catholic. He was a leading democrat in the party and in fact he got me into politics into the republican party…it broke his heart when I said I was a republican and not a democrat. When he accepted this fact, he said that I needed to see so and so who a friend is of his in the Republican party and he will take care of me and give me good advice. He said to my father, the people that you are looking up to, they should be looking up to you because you are ten times the man you are! I will never forget that he said it over and over again. Too many people look up to the scum of the earth as being something important but that’s what they are, the scum of the earth.  They look up to politicians who really should be looking up to the average American who lives a far more decent life and cares far more about what is right in America and what should be right then any politician, well, most, 99.9%. Do not trust politicians. There is an old saying about how you know if a politician is lying, it is when his lips are moving. It is so true.

They are like I said, a low form of life that you should not emulate…you should not think that they are doing you any justice…that they are doing anything that cares about you. They want to steal elections especially if they are democrats, but they do not care about you or your family. They don’t care about your job. They care about themselves. Until you realize that and realize what politicians are all about, you won’t be able to fix the problem, they need to be voted out of office just because they have two terms. Get rid of them. Keep changing the blood in DC and in your local government and you might see a change, something better. GET RID OF THEM, GET THEM OUT OF OFFICE. Get new blood in once in a while before they can learn to get crooked and get rid of them when they do get crooked That is how you solve the problems in America.

This is Bob Barney, thank you for listening. We will be back tomorrow with another The Plain Truth Today Podcast, please tell your friends about this show, a very good show in my estimation, but a very low budget show as I am in my sauna lol, but till tomorrow…