Your Health Today – It’s in Your Hands (Transcript)

By Bob Barney

“I wanted to get more into that subject today and give some updates on the Amos Miller Amish Farmer who was really absolutely broadsided by the state government this time. A few years ago, it was the FDA and federal government. They are trying to put them out of business like they are trying to do to all small businesses and farmers. “

Yesterday we talked about health issues, ailments, and aging…the many things that are caused by inflammation and how inflammation was predicted 3500 years ago in the Bible and how it is plaguing Americans today.

Hi this is Bob Barney with the Plain Truth Todays podcast. I wanted to get more into that subject today and give some updates on the Amos Miller Amish Farmer who was really absolutely broadsided by the state government this time. A few years ago, it was the FDA and federal government. They are trying to put them out of business like they are trying to do to all small businesses and farmers. It is a sad situation. I am glad that Donald Trump Jr mentioned this in his articles that he wrote and also a broadcast that he does, mentioning the raid on the farm and how gestapo like it really was.

The idea that they claim that someone became sick and got listeria from supposedly eating or drinking some of the dairy products from the Miller farms. When they did a DNA test on the person, they had a similar DNA to that they had on the Amos Miller farm milk product. That sounds bogus. It either matched the DNA perfectly or it did not. All listeria DNA is similar, or it wouldn’t be listeria. Same with e coli. But it is the exact DNA, that is the difference. Your DNA is like everyone else’s in the world but is it your DNA? And it must be an exact match. So, they fix their lie with the facts. This is not a new tactic, but it is getting worse, and the food supply is being adulterated every day.

100’s people have gotten sick from ice cream that was pasteurized from one of the most popular businesses in America and that place didn’t get raided from any FDA or health officials. Why? Because our government has become our enemy, and it is that simple. We just are facing it for the middle-class business class people, an onslaught of the government that we have never seen before in our history, Bureaucrats get their money from big business, not from us, they need our votes for their politicians, but they do not represent us at all but the people that give them the money. When you have the EPA OSHA, etc., these people go back and forth to big business, it is an unholy alliance and incest relationships between the private big business sector and big government They always side against the little guy trying to make a living.

This country for the last 65 years since I have almost been alive, has seen a decline in all small towns of America that were manufacture centers for textiles or food processing, even for small family farms you name it. Small town America during the 1950s and 60s were able to thrive because of the businesses and factories located in their towns that gave very good wages to people without college education. They had just 8th grade or high school education. They were able to make as much as the middle class. They were able to have only the male work, the man, I mean, and the women could stay home and raise the children which God really intended it to be. The reason why most people have to work today to make a living and put children into schools and daycare, which eats up the income of the wife anyway, is because we are not having the high standard from the middle class as we had in the 50s and 60s. That is the plain simple fact.

Getting back to the food supply, back on the 16940s and 50s we had many small family farms, and I was a part of a small family farm operation. The farm that my father managed in the late 1040’s was one of the most famous farms in the town of New Milford at the time. One of the oldest farms in the state of Connecticut and the women who owned it married Weaver, one of the most respected women in that town and the state of CT, she was the first woman elected to office when the women got the vote in the 1020s as a state legislature and representatives. My father was cut in as a partner before he went to work for the Nestle company. That is how I know a lot of things about food. But she basically was the first produce farmstand in the state of Ct I believe she opened it up in the 20’s or 30s. I ran that stand after she sold the farm and Kimberly Clark bought it as a dump and they didn’t want people knowing that so as a 14 year old they allowed me to run the stand and raise corn, tomatoes and peppers and sell at the roadside stand. I made so much money in fact that I was ablet to put myself through college from that. The pain business that I own that I talk about every once in a while, got its start in 1988, then we opened Tamco in 1989. IT got its start because my wife and I went back to CT after ten years and we reran that s farm market stand that my parents ran. I moved from Florida to CT, and they ran it for 9 years and when we moved back for the summer only as I had a main job in the paint business and had to fly back and forth every weekend, but we raised enough money in 1988 in less than 12 weeks to get our seed money to start Tamco Paint. Now we are a multimillion-dollar corporation because of a start form a family business.

Today it is very hard to run a family farm stand because you have food inspectors that want you to do certain adulteration to your food that are actually harmful to the people eating the food, I don’t think you realize the processes that go into pasteurization for example. I touched on that the other day. When you pasteurize milk or fruit juice or cider or anything like that you are also killing not only the harmful bacteria, but you are killing the beneficial bacteria and the enzymes, we need that God put in His food for us, to break own the protein or glucose or lactose depending on what product it s. This all helps digestion. So when you have an apple for example that has been radiated and a lot of them are that are not organic, that kills all the bacteria in that apple in the old day do you remember if you cut an apple in half in a minute or two it turns brown. And it would turn such a nasty brown you wouldn’t even want to eat it I f you waited to long. That is the natural enzymes in the apple that are there to break it down naturally in to smaller parts to make it rot. This is what is supposed to happen to digest that apple. The apple will self-digest with its enzymes. Today you see these modern apples and cut them own the middle and you come back an hour later and there is no brown spots or anything. They radiated and killed all of the enzymes that make it indigestible to you. We now eat sterilized food without any nutritional value. That is something not readily talked about. Your FDA and government officials are not admitting that the things they are forcing small family farms to do is destroying the quality and the healthfulness of the foods they are raising. This include the milk, dairy products entirely, beef, fruit, veggies, all of these things are being adulterated. Unless you are eating 100 percent organic, I am not even sure by the way that all of the organic products are what they say they are…as it is the government we are having to trust, how do we know that big businesses in China haven’t a say in what is going on. When I Go into Walmart, a majority of the produce is going from China. Do you really want to trust something from China that is organic? We don’t know that their organic practices are up to our standards. We have them certified to be organic but are they maybe on the take and allow things to happen that they shouldn’t.

I know stories that I won’t get into here, even in the food factories that my father and brother worked at that go on that just wreak corruption.

Whenever you have money involved and you get a lot more for organic then you do conventional, then you can have the opportunity to have people being bought off, lied to, and you are not getting what you are paying for. That is something always in the back of my mind. I know some health experts claim that you should probably try and buy mostly local which is hard depending on where you live. But if you go to a small family farm that is raising its own cattle, corn, tomatoes, etc., like in some places in the state of VA y9ou can buy a cow share and get raw dairy, milk and cheeses. If you are a member of a club, that is what VA has. That is what PA is trying to do and shut down the Amos Miller Farm.

I really don’t think the government wants us to eat healthy or live past 80 years old. They say they do but they have to pay us a lot more money in Medicare and social security benefits where I think they really want you to stop living after that time.

But going back to what is in your food supply and how God predicted in Deut 28 where God says if we don’t follow His laws, we will suffer from Inflammation. One of Gods Laws says that we will not bear false witness or lie. When you have food companies that are bearing false witness and breaking one of Gods laws right out of the gate, taking bribes if the USDA do and adulterate stuff and don’t admit it, that is one of the laws being broken right there. God says if you break His laws, you will be cursed. Inflammation is a very serious problem indeed. LMOST every disease from heart disease to diabetes all the way to cancer has come from inflammation. Aspirin they say is healthy to take that daily, controversy on that, I would look that up, but it fights inflammation in the body. It is very important that inflammation is kept in con troll and if y9ou do then the diseases that happen because of inflammation can be curbed or avoided n the first place.

Again, like I have said, the Bible predicted that inflammation would be a very prevalent problem when God’s people stop following God’s laws. Unfortunately, we live in a world today that is lawless. It comes from in my opinion, from this idea of modern Christianity that is quite recent that God came Jesus came and died on the cross and abolished the law of Moses. He did no such thing. In fact, Jesus said, in Matthew 5 which very few people ever read, He says, “I do not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill the law and show you how to live the law in spirit and not just physically”. The law says you cannot commit adultery, but Jesus made it harder, that if you even think of another women other than your wife then you have committed adultery and that is just as serious to God. That is a sin. Breaking the Ten Commandments leads to death. I think the funniest thing in the bible is when they say what your wages of sin are, when you get sinned you get paid back with your sin and the wages or your payroll or paycheck for sinning is death. It is kind of a funny way to look at it, but you work very hard sinning ad you get paid for it with death.

Science agrees with that honestly.  We are going to die of a broken body if we don’t get killed by some other mean. When you get old, your body stops working when it was younger, and you break down. A lot of people don’t realize this, but your cells replenish themselves many times every year. Your body today is not the same body as you had a year ago.  Every cell has been rejuvenated, however, when you age, especially if there is some genetic defects or you are eating the wrong foods or you are around chemicals all the time, then when your cells reproduce themselves and remake themselves, like your liver is new every 6 months or less, you have a new liver but every time the new cells replace, this is what getting older is, you are reproduced with flaws. This causes the aging process.

The more you can keep your cells from reproducing wrongly, the better off you are going to age. That is why you see people in your 80s where they can run a marathon. That is because of their genes of course, but what they are most likely what they are doing with their bodies and how they take care of themselves compared to those that do not take care of themselves.  Smog, smoke plastic in your life, receipts you touch are full of BPA plastic, all of this causes everything from autism in children to children being born prematurely to cancers especially breast cancer, I believe most breast cancers have traces of two things, one is aluminum in the deodorants that women wear, and the other thing is the BPA plastic which is in everything you consume.

If organic broccoli is wrapped in saran wrap, that plastic is getting on your food. That is why even though the government amidst that the average person has 3 pounds of plastic in their body at 180 pounds, three pounds of plastic, think about that. Your body doesn’t know what to do with plastic or how to get rid of it.

Praying to God is important, having Him in your life is, and following His laws are very important as I am trying to point out, also it is very important to realize that you have to do something. God does not do everything for you. That is another misconception, and we will get into that series next week. Another misconception is God’s salvation is free. God’s love iso free but nothing that God is doing for you is totally free. He expects you to do things. He expects you to live a certain way, if you do not, He knows you are going to be punished. That is a natural and supernatural law all tied together as one. If you jump off of a building you can believe in Jesuse Christ having lied a perfect life of reading the Bible but if you walk off the edge of the Empire State Building you are going to fall to your death. That is a natural law. When you break natural and spiritual laws, it is going to break you. That is what God is saying regarding inflammation. If you do not follow His laws…this is what happens.

This all started by the way, when the false Christian religion that we are surrounded by today, this is false Christianity, and it has taught its people that God did away with the Law. That Jesus tired the law when he died on the cross and did away with it and we no longer are under the law, we are under grace. How many times have you heard this? We are under the grace, not the law. Jesus nor the apostles never said this they said the opposite we are under the law and have the Holy Spirit. This idea that the law has been abolished is lawlessness. In the end times, that is what we are told in the Bible that we will be taught lawlessness. Soon leaders will teach lawlessness. Then we have what we have in our country today. A lawless society where criminals are not punished. That is the Plain Truth.  WE have to get control of following Gods laws in our life, hopefully as our country would return to Gods laws and live Gods laws properly and God would reward us with a health existence and long life.  One of the Commandments by the way gives a reward, t is the only one in the Bible out of the Ten Commandments that offers a reward for following it ad that is the 5th commandment. Honor your father and mother so that you will hav3e a long life. Yes, a long life is a gift from God, but we have to obey Him by honoring our father and mother.

Another thing to remember is that the law absolutely sets you free from the penalty of the law. Because I you know the penalty of the law and you break it and you re faithful and ask him, he will forgive you of it. That is the beauty of what Christs death meant on the cross, or really the state as it wasn’t a cross but what it meant was that you are no longer under the penalty of death and your wages are no longer death, they are forgiveness.  You work to try and do good and when you do bad you ask for forgiveness and Christ is there to be your defense attorney in the court of heaven and get you off with a pardon.  That is the real gospel, that is the real good news that Jesus brought about his death and resurrection. That his death freed us from the wages of sin, but his resurrection gave us the hope of eternal life when we are resurrected from the dead when He RETURNS. There is no going to heaven or hell when you die, hell is the word for grave and heaven is only where God and the angels live. NO man has ever gone to heaven, that is in Red Letter. In the New Testament Jesus said that no one has ever gone to heaven, nor heard the voice nor seen the form of God at any time. Who did Abraham and Moses see? IT was Jesus as he was the God of the Old Testament. That is what your bible says.

Getting to the health issues, if we try to follow God’s laws and try not to be a glutton, watch what we eat, exercise wisely as I don’t believe in jogging anymore, I used to as a younger man but I think a lot of my arthritis and deterioration of my bones came from 5 mile jogs…I think stretching and riding a bike and walking is good exercise, get some, not a lot, and you eat properly you will be rewarded with a good healthy life and a long life on top of that. What could end up killing you, as cancer and other inflammation diseases can come from the chemicals around you.

Did you know that when you put clothes on that put on all this Downey softeners and detergents that are full of cancer-causing ingredients and fragrances…you smell so fresh and great right? No you don’t. You stink.  You wear them all day long at work and maybe put on pj’s washed in the same stuff, so you wear it again and then you go to bed that are washed in the same deadly chemical soaps and fragrances and such, then you wonder why people get skin cancers and breast cancer, colon cancers, prostate cancer. It is from the food you eat. From the chemicals you are surrounding yourself with. IF you can stay away from certain chemicals and eat the right foods and obey God and Gods laws and try to live by them, I think most people would find themselves finding a better healthy life.  The sooner you are starting your life, it is better if you are listening to this podcast when you are 17 years old rather than 65 years old…you probably did a lot of harm you are not going to erase overnight by now practicing a healthy lifestyle…

I hope everyone goes to The Plain Truth every single day, there is a tab up top called Your Health Today Online, there are articles that you will not find on one place in any other source. Cit tells you what you should eat and what you should not eat, what God says you should and shouldn’t. God condemns the eating of pork and shellfish, clams, oysters and muscles, catfish, any fish that doesn’t have fins and scales. You are not to eat shark or swordfish; you need fish with both dorsal fins and scales. Not a skinned fish. God tells you what animals you are to eat and you an find that in the book of Leviticus.  You should not eat any serpent, and the only insects you are allowed to eat are grasshoppers and locust. You are not to eat chocolate covered ants. The guy that said at the UN let them eat bugs, well, God doesn’t want you to eat bugs and you shouldn’t be. The meat in your diet God wants you to have wholesome rudimentary animals, like deer, venison, elk, cattle, sheep, goats, even a giraffe believe it or not, is clean.  It chews its cud. It has the correct hoofing God commands animals to have that we can eat.

The Message Board that you should be going to everyday as well has many stories that we put together in categories, so you can look up for example prostate cancer, you can go to the category with all of the health topics. It is a great place to learn and spend time being a part of discussions. You can even see all the different stories over 15 years and what other people have posted of interest for everyone  It is like the water cooler of The Plain Truth to hang out there.

The Plain Truth is the one source to go to find out about the economy, about God, world events, what’s going on in your life and what you need to be aware of in many regards and your health.

So go to The Plain Truth, Your Health Today Online, the Message Board, The Podcasts, lets clean up our act and get a better diet and a better use of chemicals avoiding the bad things and obey Gods laws because a lot of things can be forgiven, health issues, overlooked by God if you follow His laws.

Please tell your friends about this program and we will see you here in about 24 hours. God willing. This is Bob Barney saying thank you for listening. I appreciate you.